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Update on Dad
04-03-2003, 11:46 a.m.

I think that they are kicking my dad out of the hospital today, or at least he sure hopes so. We are waiting for the final word, but he is really excited and anxious to get home, so I hope that they do let him go home. My mom said that he looks so much better, and his doctor said that he has done a complete turn around. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, and good wishes and all that. It really means so much to me to know that there are so many people who care. For as bad as everything seemed to me on Tuesday, and how upset we all were, it�s like a complete turn around now, and everything is ok. They have done so many tests on him, and everything has come back fine.. he is okay. They think he was run down, and that he had an infection (he had been battling them all winter long it seems), but whatever it was, he is fine now and that is a good thing.

His doctor really wants him to retire, and has for months now. Riding the motorcycle downtown, all year long isn�t so great on your system. Breathing in all the exhaust and stuff as you are directing traffic isn�t either. He has been having a lot of problems with respiratory infections and the such this winter. But my dad is a go-er, and he just can�t see himself sitting around doing nothing. I don�t know, I guess we will see what happens. I doubt that he is going to retire though, at least for a little longer. Plus, he really loves his job and the people he works with. He has lost a lot of weight recently (he and my mom both, yes they are trying to), and that has been helping a lot, so I think if he keeps that up, he will be okay.

So that is the update. I know it�s not much of one, but it is really all I know. I have talked to him several times already today, and he sounds great, back to his old self. He is really 100% better, and I am so glad. Now to get him out of that place (he so hates the hospital, so he is asking us to spring him, hehe).

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