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Tupperware Parties
04-12-2003, 11:11 p.m.

I am about to head to bed, it's been such a long day, and I am exhausted. First, however, I wanted to write a short entry about what a great time I had at Cory's tonight. I was a little nervous about going, because I knew that it would be all her friends and family, and I don't really know anyone all that well. I had hoped that Jen would be able to go (well for more reaons that just one obviously), but she couldn't, so it was just me. I thought about taking Chrissy just to give me someone to talk to at first (I really am so very shy around people that I don't know so well, bet you couldn't guess that, lol). But I decided to brave it out and it really wasn't so bad at all. Her friends and family are all very friendly and nice, and so it wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was really a nice time, actually, really nice. I had fun, and I am glad that she invited me.

Of course, I knew that she was going to talk me into having my own party, because she has been talking about it for weeks now, so I didn't fight it too much. So yah, I am having a tupperware party now too, oh fun, lol. Well, the good thing is, no matter who else shows up, Cory has to, hehe. The cool thing though is that I live near the tupperware distribution center, or whatever they call it, and they have parties there, once a month.. you go and play bingo, and win tupperware, which is fun. And the best part, I don't have to clean my house before or after. The only bad part is that you can't really mess around with dates, you have to have it on the dates that they do them, but that is okay, it should be fun. Besides, I am doing it for Cory, and I hope she at least got something good for that, hehe.

Stephen and the girls were all asleep already when I got home, which doesn't surprise me.. we were up late last night and up early this morning. I carried the girls into their own bed (they all fell asleep on me bed watching movies together), and now I am about to go crawl next to my sweetie.. sleep, that sounds so good. Sweet Dreams.

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