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Lucky Pennies
04-13-2003, 8:58 p.m.

Normally during a game, Stephen doesn't pay much attention to me. I mean, he is happy I am there, and I know he is, and he waves to me during halftime and all that, but when he is playing, he doesn't pay attention to anything but the game, even from the sideline. So today when he came running around over by me, I was totally surprised, and wondered what was wrong, but then he handed me a penny. A Penny, I thought, but then he says "Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck, share your penny with a friend and multiply your luck by ten" and then he kisses me and says "wanted to share my penny with my best friend". Awww, I melted right then and there. I can't even express how much that moment meant to me, nor could I tell you just how hard I held that penny throughout the rest of the game....the smile on my face was huge. Stephen is definitely not the romantic of guys, although he does try sometimes.. but things like this really mean the world, and the feeling lasts for a long time. I am not likely to ever get rid of that penny, it is going into my special box.

Stephen's team won today!! They really are playing so well this year, and really are coming together as a team, and you can tell how happy it makes Stephen. I am thrilled for him really, and it's nice to see him actually looking forward to going to the games again. I hope that they continue on the track they are on. It was a great game they played today and I had fun cheering them on. (Guess that penny was lucky, hehe).

After the game, we went over to Stephen's parents to hang out for a while. They were at church, so we walked up to the park for a while, to play. Stephen bought us all ice cream, and then we played in the park for a little while. Eventually we walked back, and they were back from church. We had lunch with everyone (Kevin was there with Kathleen) and we just hung out talking for a while. It was nice.

When we got home, Stephen and Chrissy sat down to watch a movie together, and June helped me mop the kitchen floor and start getting things ready for dinner. Sherry and Chuck were coming for dinner and we were grilling chicken and steak and making corn on the cob and baked potatoes and baked sweet potatoes. After we were done getting everything ready, I asked June if she wanted to go for a walk with me. Normally I take Chrissy for walks, and I can tell that June gets a little jealous that I don't ask just her. We tried taking her last year, but mostly she just complained after a few blocks, but I figured that we could at least do a short walk today. She was thrilled when I asked her, and so off we went. I figured that we would walk about a mile, but when we got that far, she wanted to keep going. When we got as far as I walk with Chrissy I asked her if she was ready to turn around yet. She asked, is this where Chrissy goes to? I said yah, and she said, can we go a little further. I laughed so hard. The little stinker couldn't wait to get home and tell Chrissy that she walked further than her. It was cute. We ended up going 4 miles, and she didn't complain once. We did stop at 2 of the parks that we passed, and I let her play for a few minutes at each, and we really had a great walk. She loves flowers and stuff like that, so she was pointing out all the buds on trees and flowers that were coming up. She is such a sweet little girl, and she makes me very happy. I was proud of her and how well she did.

When we got back, Stephen told me that Sherry and Chucked called and that they would be there any minute (a little early, but we did take a longer walk than I expected, oops). they in fact got there moments after we did. I got the grill going and put the potatoes in the oven, and we all sat outside yakking while dinner cooked. It was such a beautiful spring day today and we all wanted to take advantage of that.

Dinner was soooooooooooo good, yum!! Everyone thought so too!

After dinner we sat around talking for a while, but then it was time for them to go. Stephen asked me if I wanted to go for a short walk after they left, which totally surprised me, because he hates walking with me, but I jumped on it, and we ended up walking a little more than a mile.. it was nice, and we enjoyed talking to each other. We really had a great weekend, and we talked about how nice it was. We were arguing most of last weekend, so it was really nice to have such a great weekend together this weekend. I like when things are good like this. Maybe we need to find lucky pennies more often.

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