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More Hours
04-14-2003, 10:04 p.m.

I think that I need more hours in a day. I don't know how it is that I always run out of time at the end of the night, it just doesn't make sense. But yet, here I am, ready to go to sleep, and still a million things that I meant to do, and didn't. I get so behind on things all the time. Should I be stressed about that? Maybe, but I am not right now, so let's go with that, hehe.

We had to be in early today for an exam, and again tomorrow, so I am a little on the tired side. I almost didn't want to go workout tonight, okay, I never want to go lately, but that is something that I so need to work on. Luckily once I got there, I got into a groove and I had a great workout. It's good when it works out, no pun intended. My goal is to make it to the gym 5 days this week (because lately a lot of my workouts have been outside of the gym, which isn't a bad thing, but isn't a great thing either, at least I am putting the time in, I just really want to do more time at the gym). It's been so nice outside though, so I just want to be outsiddddeee. I need to get back to the place I was last summer, I keep wondering why it was so much easier then, and then I remember that I was working out at lunch back then, so duh, of course it was easier.. I didn't have to fit my workouts and walks on my own time, lol. What a difference that makes. Maybe I will start going for walks outside at lunch time.. yah, maybe that is what I will do. I tell you, I need more hours!!! Without giving up sleep though, yawn!

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