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Happy Birthday Tonny
04-15-2003, 10:45 p.m.

We had to be at work early again this morning for another exam, man these two days in a row of exams is enough to kill ya, okay maybe not, but it sure messed with my sleep. I also ended up staying at work late because I needed to attend a meeting (one I am glad I went to, it was for the Committee on Committees, and while I do work for the committee, I didn't attend the meetings last year, and thus I was pretty lost most of the time, so hopefully this year will go much more smoothly). The best part of all of this, is all the extra hours I have been putting in, that will certainly come in handy when I go to Vegas next month. Somehow spending OT money makes me feel a whole lot less guilty than spending other money, hehe.

When we got home, I told Stephen that I wasn't going to go workout until later this evening, so he ran out to run some errands, and I sat down to catch up on some episodes of trading spaces. I didn't get through 5 minutes, I don't think. I fell asleep and ended up sleeping for a while. I guess I needed it, but I certainly didn't want to take a nap, because I have such a hard time sleeping at night then. But it did feel good, and I felt better when I got up. I did go to the gym too, and boy did I have a great workout. I did really good with my eating today too, so it was a great day. Hopefully that is a trend that will carry on into tomorrow.

We have to be in early tomorrow for a bagel breakfast with our dean and president. I used to not care to go to those things (especially since they are not mandatory, and I get to hear all the news at the faculty senate meetings anyway), but now that I am so involved with the faculty senate and other stuff, I know that it's better for me to make an appearance.. I just wish it wasn't such a dog and pony show, hehe. Wow, that is what Ven used to call them, I forgot about that until now. I miss him sometimes. I happen to know that tomorrow what they want to talk about is all the construction that they are going to be doing to our building. I guess they got the permits and want to start soon. I wonder how this is going to affect us. Should be interesting, and at least we get a free breakfast out of it, always a good thing. I can splurge on a bagel one day, hehe.. I usually try to eat less at breakfast, knowing that I much prefer to eat later in the day, but I will just have to be more careful at lunch. I am determined to lose the few pounds that I have gained recently though, and hopefully before Amy's wedding in a few weeks. I really want to get a nice dress to wear to that (one that I will be able to use in Vegas as well, for the Celine concert).

And last but not least in anyway.. A special birthday wish goes out to Tonya . Happy Birthday Rockhead... I hope that it was wonderful and special and everything that you deserve. Please head over to her journal and send her some wishes.

Okay, I am off to bed. Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep before too long. Maybe I should put on trading spaces, it seemed to work earlier, hehe. Hope everyone got their taxes done on time! Another year down.

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