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Amusement Parks

Amusement Parks...

April 20, 2001

I totally love amusement parks. I could ride roller coasters over and over and over and never get bored with them. A few years ago, we bought a family season pass and went almost every weekend. Well, Sherry, Chrissy and I did. June was too little, and Stephen is not as big on them as the rest of us, so he babysat all summer, LOL. We had so much fun that summer. With all my TTC stuff, I haven't wanted to spend the money on passes since then though. Mostly because I was hoping I would get pregnant and not be able to ride the rides. Well lately, I've not been living my life in the hopes of getting pregnant, and so we talked about getting passes this summer. Then out of the blue Stephen's mom asks me to find out about the season pass prices. She decided that she was going to buy passes for the whole family. I was so shocked, and so appreciative. I went and got them for her last night and couldn't thank her enough. So it looks like I will get to be the roller coaster queen this summer.

I am also excited about going to Busch Gardens next week while we are in Virginia (like that??? I got that next week in there again). Cory is as big a fan of roller coasters as I am, and I believe that Tonya is too, so we are going to have a blast. Jen hates the rides... but we'll forgive her for that. She can still wait in line with us, and then she gets to hold all of our crap, LOL. My only problem with this is that I completely freak out about riding the rides by myself. Cory and Tonya said that they would take turns going alone, so they could take turns holding my hand, snicker, but that isn't fair. Maybe I can do the less scary ones by myself hehe. God, I am so excited about the whole trip next week!

Roller coasters galore this summer... What fun this is going to be...

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