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Lake Geneva - Part II
04-22-2004, 9:26 p.m.

After our walk to the lake, we went back to the room for a while. Cory had brought some snacks with her, one thing being a bag of M&Ms, which had a game to go with them. She had each of us take a handful of them, and then we had to answer questions based on the colors. It was a very insightful game, and the part that really sticks out to me is just how honest each of us were with our answers. I think that we each said a lot of things that were very touching, and things that will stick with us for a long time. I, for one, felt very very close to everyone as the game progressed. Before we knew it though, we realized that it was getting late and it was time to get ready for dinner.

I can�t even explain how much fun that was, just rushing around with my friends, getting ready for dinner, taking showers, getting dressed, and giggling the whole time. We all looked so very nice by the time we headed down for dinner. If I have any regrets from this whole trip, it would be that we didn�t take the time to take more pictures on this evening. I guess that we were just enjoying each other so much that we didn�t think of doing anything else. I guess that the important thing is that I will never forget how we looked or felt.

The restaurant was beautiful! As they were leading us to this table right at the windows, I silently prayed that it was our table. The view was stunning, with the lake and trees and a beautiful sunset. We ordered our meal, and just sat around laughing, and talking� about past memories and future dreams. The ambiance was just so wonderful. They have a piano player who was playing the most beautiful music. He was also announcing special things, like anniversaries and the such and I was so excited waiting for him to announce Cory and Tonya�s birthdays. I assume that they figured out that we would have done that, but I didn�t care, I knew it was still going to be special. After dinner, they did just that as they brought out cheesecake with candles for each of them. We cried, and laughed all at the same time, and when I tried to make a toast it was just too much emotion, and before I could finish my first words we were all bawling. I am sure that everyone was looking at us like we were crazy, but we were all just so happy.

We lingered for a while after dinner, but eventually we headed out of the restaurant and for a little walk around the hotel. We found our way to the game room, and spent the next little while playing games. That was a lot of fun, and my favorite moment was how stressed Jen got watching US play. She was just so cute and I would have hated to see how freaked out she got if she was playing herself.

We finally made it back to the room, and got ready for bed. We were all tired, but not ready to go to sleep. Instead we made up new questions for the M&M game and laid around answering yet more questions, until we all started drifting off to sleep. I don�t even remember the last thing we said or did, but I remember being so at peace� and so very excited about our spa stuff the next morning.

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