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Personal Shopper
04-24-2003, 10:40 p.m.

I haven't really been feeling much in a writing mood the past few days, and never even got online to write last night. Sometimes, when I am feeling like this, I feel like my entries come off all stupid and boring, hehe. But then I feel guilty if I go too many days without writing, so it's a no win situation.

I just got home, I have been on the go go go all night long. We had dinner with Stephen's parents and aunt, which was way yummy, and we ended up hanging out there a little longer than we planned, so when I got home, I got my workout clothes on and ran out to the gym. I only walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes before I realized that I never set Survivor up to tape.. hehe, you should have seen me running out of the gym to the car, to call Stephen to get him to do it. I only missed a couple of minutes, thankfully. Since I was already cooled down, I decided not to go back in and do another 30 minutes, especially since I had tons of stuff to do anyway. Maybe I subconsiously did that, giggle. I ran to get my hair cut, and let me just grumble and say that I KNEW I should have waited for the girl who normally cuts it, but she had 2 other people waiting. I don't like the way the other girl cut it, but what can you do...I will know better next time.

Next stop, Toys R Us.. for what else? Presents for my grandfather of course... what else could it be? I had to get video games for him from both myself and Stephen, and my mom and dad. The funny part, the cashier, says, wow these are really cool games, your kids are going to love them.. you should have seen her face when I said, my grandpa.. hehe. Cute.

Then it was to Kohl's to get presents for my other grandfather. Both of their birthdays are this week, so we are celebrating them this weekend while we are in Indiana. I just want to know what I became my mom's personal shopper? Now she wants to know if I am going to wrap it all too, sure let me just take care of that, hehe. While I was at Kohl's, I decided to look for new shoes for my dress.. and found a pair I LOVE, and that are sooooo comfy, but I am not sure they are dressy enough.. I don't know what to do. One of the shoes, when I got home to try it on with the dress, is squishy.. air pushing out of it.. so they are going back to be exchanged at the very least, hehe.

I also found a pair of new gym shoes.. which I totally needed. My other ones are getting pretty warn out.. could it be the 250 plus miles I've already walked this year? hehe.. can you believe it? I hit the half way mark yesterday, and was so very excited about it. So now I have some shoes to break in...

By the time I got home, it was already 9:30, but I really wanted to go for a walk for at least half an hour, to finish my workout, and so off I went. So there, I had a full workout, so what if it was in shifts. Plus, I ran around all night, never sitting down.. so I feel like I did good tonight, and I got lots done in the process. Good thing, we are going to head to Indiana tomorrow night. Sherry was able to get off work for the weekend too, so she and the girls are going with us afterall. It is going to be a fun weekend.

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