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Family Weekend
04-27-2003, 5:40 p.m.

Sherry and the girls got here a little bit later than planned on Friday, and so we got a bit of a late start. They had asked us to wait for them for dinner too, so by the time we got on the road, I was pretty hungry. I am not used to eating that late. They were really hungry too, so we talked about stopping somewhere close to home, but decided instead to get at least half way there first. We were going to stop at IHOP, but then ended up passing it, so instead we went to Applebees, which was way yummy. By the time we got to my grams, it was almost midnight, but everyone was still up waiting for us.

My grandparents live in a house with only 2 bedrooms so it was like a big slumber party, all of us camped out in the living room, just like it used to be when I was a little girl. Well my dad was sleeping on the bed in the basement, but my mom was upstairs with us, hehe. My Uncle Mike was there, along with his girlfriend, Teresa, and my cousin Gator (he is 14). We all made our beds on the floor and settled in, and started telling jokes and laughing. It was so much fun, and I don't think any of us got much sleep. The girls were lapping it up, and it really made me think of when I was there age. Sherry used to go with me to my grandparents house all the time back then, and we always loved being able to stay up and listen to the adults talking and laughing. It was a great night.

Yesterday we all got up pretty early and had breakfast, and joked and laughed some more. My grandparents had their garage converted into a sun room last year, so we all went out there and just enjoyed the day and each other. My mom asked me if I wanted to go for a bike ride with her, so papa got the bikes out for us. He has 3 of them for when people are over, but my grams is a 3-wheeler, hehe. June begged to go with us so we let her ride that. Off we went, and we went pretty far. I worried about June a little, because people drive pretty quickly on these old country roads, and she wouldn't stay close to the edge like I told her too, so eventually we turned around and headed back. We were going to drop her off, and then go riding in town for a bit. On our way back, my grandpa and cousin pull up in the golf cart that my papa bought this year. It's so cute, and when we got back to the house, my mom and I and June took that and went to town in that. She was loving it, especially when my mom put her on her lap and let her drive.

The rest of the day was spent pretty much the same way, riding bikes, riding in the golf cart and just laughing with family. My uncle Gary and aunt Rose were supposed to come, but he called and said that he was running behind on a run (he is a truck driver).. they were not sure if they were going to make it or not, and they never did. My uncle Rocky never did come either, which I hoped he would, but the rest of us had such a wonderful time. They guys pulled out the horseshoes, and we had fun playing that most of the day, and finally we pulled out the croquet game, and played with the kids. That was a lot of fun as well.

Eventually we were all starving from all the sun and exercise, so we all pitched in and threw together a nice BBQ. Afterwards, we sang Happy birthday to both my grandfathers, and gave them their gifts, which they all loved. My mom, gram and I went for another lonnnnggg bike ride after dinner, and we had a really nice conversation. My mom told me how much she loved this day, and how it reminded her of when we were kids.. funny that I had been thinking the same exact thing.

My childhood was wonderful, full of family and love.. games and togetherness.. and that is what this weekend was about as well. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, and I was sorry to head home last night. My dad had to work today, and so my parents were heading home last night as well... so we all left at the same time. Sherry, had driven, so I was able to take a cat nap in the car, which was nice. When we made it back to Chicago, we stopped for dinner together, and then came back here to hang out for a while before they headed home. After they left, I was so tired I just crashed, and slept so good last night. It was all the exersise and fresh air, hehe.. and I wasn't complaining.

Today has been a quiet day. I went to the gym, shopping, and then came home and cleaned the house and got ready for another work week. It's about time to make dinner, and we aren't going to do much tonight either. Sounds like a good end to a great weekend to me.

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