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04-28-2003, 8:50 p.m.

Today was a pissy sort of day. Nothing was really wrong, but things were getting to me a little more than normal, and the day was just going so very slow. Add to that the fact that we had to get up so early, and it just made for a long day. I couldn't wait to get out of work.

When we got home, I almost considered just taking a nap, but I was able to talk myself out of it and made it to the gym instead, which is such a good thing. When I got home, I really felt like doing nothing more than laying around, but I decided to get up and try to sew for a while, and once I got started, I was able to finish a whole dress. Yay, that was a good thing.

Now I am listening to the wolves game, which is in OT. This is game one of this playoff series, and I really hope they win.. but it's the best of seven games, so what matters is who makes it to four games first. OT is so very intense though, and there have been too many close games for my peace, hehe.

My entry is just not flowing tonight, this is one of those not coming together ones, which have been coming up much too often lately. Not sure why, but I hope that ends soon.

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