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Couple's Night

Couple's Night...

May 18, 2001

Wow, so many fun things have happened today that it actually feels like a few days, hehe. Let's see, where to begin. This morning, I woke up a little late (guess I should have gone to bed a little earlier last night, but I had to watch the ER episode I taped first, hehe). On my way to work, I gave Cory a call. I really wanted to ask her if she and Jim wanted to go with us to the Wolves game next Friday night. Especially because I was planning on buying a ticket for Sherry and Chuck, as Chuck's birthday present. I sometimes worry about asking people to do these things with me, for a few reasons. One I don't want them to feel like they have to say yes, if they can't or don't want to do it for some reason, and two, I don't want them to have to spend their money on something that they might not enjoy as much as I do. But I've been really good about not asking anyone to go with us lately, so I thought what the heck, it might be their final game (should they sweep the series, hey positive thinking never hurts). Well guess what?? Yipppeeee, she said she would ask Jim, and then later she told me Yes!!! I was so excited, I was dancing around. At lunch time today, Stephen and I took a ride to the Arena and picked up our tickets for both Wednesday and Friday (Games 3 and 4). I am so excited, about both games, but especially about Fridays!

Then as you know, tonight was couple's night. We had it at our house and we just had the best time. These are getting to be so comfortable, and fun now. We had a great dinner! We did hamburgers and sausage, and baked potatoes and corn on the grill, and Cory brought her awesome pasta salad. Everything was so yummy and we really enjoyed the meal. The guys all went outside and hung out after dinner while we girls hung out inside and gossiped and stuff. Then we chased the guys inside and we played Uno. We played a different way though, and it was funny. We played if someone played a 7, that everyone had to give their cards to the person on their left, and if anyone played a 0, then they could trade just their card with whomever they wished to. It was hysterical at times and we really laughed and had a good time. I love being able to just sit there and play games with these guys and have a good time. I can see us doing this for many years to come. The next dinner is at Cory's house, and that's going to be tons of fun too, especially with her pool and all. I am looking forward to it :)

We took some pictures with the digital camera of course. (Couple's Night Pics), and some of them turned out really cute. I am not going to want to give this camera back to my mom, hehe. I am having way too much fun with it. I need a digital camera of my own. I want one soooo badly. Man, and I don't even have a birthday or anything coming up, giggle.

Speaking of my mom, I got to see her and my dad for a little bit today, and that was nice. My mom has been getting hives really bad the past few days, and so she had to go see her doctor. I was going to stop by there and see her but she was done by the time I got there to suprise her, so I called them on the cell. They were down the block at Walgreens getting some prescriptions filled, so I went and we sat and talked for a bit. Then as I was leaving, I saw my BIL Kevin's car parked there, so I got to visit with him and Nicky for a bit too. Today was his birthday!! Happy Birthday Kevin :). I told Stephen that it must have been the family meeting place today. Hehe.

Sherry and Chuckie left the girls here for the weekend. June is asleep in my bed right now, so I think that I will go and cuddle up with her and go to sleep, especially since it is already 1:00 am, and we are planning on going to Great America for a few hours tomorrow. We want to be home in time to watch the first Wolves/SolarBears game though. Go Wolves! Goodnight everyone :)

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