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Not What I Expected

Not What I Expected ...

June 13, 2001

This day was totally not what I expected it to be. I woke up still a little anxious about everything that happened yesterday, and so that started me off in a not so wonderful mood. But then Cory had some wonderful news and I couldn't help but cheer up. Seems she came across a few tickets for the N'Sync concert on Saturday and she invited Chrissy and I to go. Wow, I had just been thinking how I would have loved to take Chrissy to that concert. Chrissy is going to die, she loves them so much. The tickets are kinda expensive, but Sherry and Chuck said that they would pay for Chrissy's so woo hoo, sounds like a plan. I am looking forward to it.

Then I had the hassle of trying to figure out what was going on with my car all day. I really expected to find out early on in the day, but nooooo, I called all day and got nothing, nothing and more nothing. Finally at the end of the day though, they gave me a basic idea of what is wrong and what I can expect. They got the door panel off, and now just have to wait for the parts, and it should be done tomorrow. Finally.. but that does mean that I am going to have to leave work early in order to get over there to pick up the car before we head to the white sox game. I don't mind, I will just be so glad to have my car back, and with a door that works too, LOL.

We had dinner with Stephen's parents again tonight. We did yesterday too. However, tonight his brother and a lot of the kids were there as well. That was nice. We enjoyed spending time with all of them, as usual. I played outside with Jimmy for a while, and enjoyed the nice day. We headed home early though to wait for Don's call.

I really expected to get together with him tonight, but it just wasn't going to work out. First of all, he is staying downtown, and me and driving downtown do not mix!! I cry whenever I get down there, and always get lost. I hate hate hate it, but I really wanted to try.. but then by the time he got in, I wouldn't even get there until 9, and it would be dark, and I would never find my way around. I know that sounds silly, I've lived here my whole life, right, but I can count the number of times I've driven downtown on one hand, and they've all been disasters. Downtown Chicago is not for the faint of heart. I would have taken the train down, which I can do, but it was too late. I wish he had been able to get in early, or even better, I wish he could have stayed a day longer so that he could have gone to the sox game with us, now that would have been a blast! I can't even go see him off at the airport either, because we will be at the game. The timing on this trip was against us. Well, at least I got to spend some time with him on the phone, and that was really nice. I love Don lots, and am so glad that we are all friends.

Another thing I didn't expect was to have a card from Jen waiting for me with a gift card to Michael's. Woo hoo, I couldn't wait to go spend it either... LOL. I've been wanting this Coluzzle Alphabet Template so bad for my scrapbook, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to use it... I am not so good with those swively knives... but it is awesome and I love it, and now I would love to get some more templates. I can't wait to show Cory, she is going to love making alphabets with this...hehe.. good thing we can share, we only have to buy different things than each other, and we have twice as much to use... I like how that works.

Tomorrow is my honey's birthday. I better go spend some more time with him before he is really old, giggle.

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