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Frustration at it's Best

Frustration at it's Best ...

June 12, 2001

I have found myself being frustrated pretty often today. I don't know, maybe it's me.. maybe it's the things around me. I just hate feeling this way.

When we woke up, it was storming pretty badly, but luckily it was pretty much finished by the time we left the house. The bad part though is that traffic was horrible because of it. We took my car over to the shop, a ride that normally takes about 10 minutes took us over 30. Stephen followed me, and we dropped the car off and headed for work. That took a while too, so that was pleasant... not.

I think that the worst part about having to get your car fixed is waiting to hear what is wrong with it. Here it is almost 4 and I still haven't heard from them. I tried calling them a few minutes ago, and they said that they still don't know anything. How frustrating is that. I mean, I don't care if it is done today or not, I can wait a few days for that, but I would like a general idea about what is wrong, and more importantly, what it is going to cost. Popular to the general belief around me, I do try to watch my money, and what I spend. It might not always seem that way to people, but that's because I rarely talk about money, but yet I do talk about the things I do, so maybe it seems like I spend a lot... but really I don't. That is frustrating too, don't ask me why it is such a sore spot with me, but it is. Gosh, for so many years, Stephen and I could barely afford to do anything. Maybe I should stop talking to people about the things I do, maybe that's the best idea.

I am so frustrated right now with other stuff too, but I so don't feel like writing about it, heck I don't even want to think about it. Sometimes I just don't get it. It must be me, it has to be me...

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