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Day With Mom

Day With Mom...

June 30, 2002

I so cannot believe that I have to go back to work tomorrow. That just seems so unreal to me. Why is it that vacation just seems to always go by so quickly. Boom, it's over. I know that I will be fine once I get there, but the thought of going is just so ugh. Luckily, I am going back to a 3 day week, since the 4th is on Thursday, and I took Friday off. At least I can break it in easily, giggle. Or maybe that is worse, lol.. it remains to be seen.

I had a really nice day at mom's today. I planned on getting there earlier than I did, but when I woke up at 8 this morning, I decided to read for a few minutes before I got in the shower, and I don't think I read a whole paragraph before I was back asleep with the book in my hand. I slept until almost 10, which is totally unlike me. Boy did it feel good though. When I finally got out of bed, and got ready to leave, it was almost 11, so I didn't get to my mom's until noon. She was so ready for me to be there, as I guess Brian was being a handfull this weekend. He was really excited to see me, which totally made me smile too. I love that little guy, hehe. He was totally a handfull today though, so I can see why my mom was ready for someone else to watch him. She was cracking me up, because she said she would rather work 12 hour days, 7 days a week, than have another baby. She said that she knows why you have your kids when you are young... who can keep up with them later in life, lol. I guess it didn't help that my dad was sick yesterday.. we all know what men are like when they are sick.. she had two babies, lol.

Anyway, I was as happy to see her, as she was me, and I was really excited to see her house and all the changes she made. All I could say is wow!! It looks so wonderful, and okay, I am totally jealous, lol. I gave her the gifts that I got her in Florida, and she totally loved them so very much, awww. She loves getting presents, as much as I do, hehe. Speaking of presents.. she had one for me as well. She made me a really cute picture frame collage with pictures of Brian and Scott and her and my dad and my grandparents, and me and Stephen.. it was really cute, and I was so touched. My mom has never really been a picture person, until lately. Now with her digital camera, and her new digital printer.. she is making picture frames for everyone, hehe. I love it. I helped her make a frame for my brother as well. I hope he likes it.

We went swimming for about 2 hours, which was a lot of fun and really nice, except for the fact that Brian was pretty cranky and whiney the whole time. My mom wanted to hear all about my trip though, day by day, lol.. so that was a lot of fun, telling her everything. Plus it reminded me of a lot of things to put in my journal updates about it. She wants to do a road trip now, giggle.

After we got out of the pool, she made us a nice lunch, and then Brian fell asleep.. so we took some pictures of him sleeping, and then went and printed out some other pictures for her, and Scott and me. Her new printer is awesome, and I am going to take some of my Florida pictures over there to print out. We have a new awesome printer at work too, a color Laser printer.. I haven't tried that yet, but I might have to, hehe. God knows I have plenty of pictures that I would love to have.

I had to take Brian home, to meet his other gram there, as she was watching him and his sister Sarah tonight, so I had to leave before my dad got home. I was sad about that, because I was hoping to see him, but I guess he has been working lots of hours with the Taste of Chicago. He does every year. It will only get worse as the 4th gets here, and next weekend my mom will barely see him. She was trying to talk me into going to Indiana with her. I dunno, maybe. I am not sure what we have planned yet. I will have to check it out.

Okay, it's getting late, and I am not used to going to bed early and getting up for work now. Tomorrow should be tons of fun, not.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had to stop on the way home and get wrapping paper to wrap Laura's gift, and the gift we got for Sandra.. and then wrap them, and by the time I was done, it was after 9, and Stephen wouldn't let me go for my walk, pout. I did swim a lot today, and I have been doing my morning and night sit ups, so I guess that will be enough for today. Normally Sunday is my off day, but with all the days I had off last week, I thought I would catch up some today. Oh well... back to the gym tomorrow.
  2. Tonya asked me last night, if I missed being online while we were gone. It's going to be weird getting back to work tomorrow and being on the computer all day long. I do enjoy chatting with Cory and Jen and Tonny during the day though.. but it was not like I missed that when I was with them in person all day. It's strange I guess... I thought I would come home to a ton of email, but all I had was junk. Guess they are the ones who mostly email me, lol.

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