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Meeting Katie

Meeting Katie...

July 09, 2002

I was not going to get online to write in here tonight. I just don't feel much like writing, and my eyes are hurting (I think I am getting a migraine), but then I didn't want to not write about our first visit with our new niece.

Stephen and I stopped on the way home to get a gift for her. Kevin and Nicole didn't know what they were having (in fact, if anything, they were quite certain she was going to be a boy, so they were sorta surprised) and since they didn't find out before hand, they didn't get any girlie stuff at their shower. So I wanted to get her some pink stuff. Stephen was laughing at me, is pink the theme with this gift honey? Because I got her a few pink outfits, hats and booties and a pink blanket. When we got there and gave the gift to Nicole, she was excited to see that it was pink stuff. She said, oh good, pink, she doesn't have anything pink. Giggle, see, I have good ideas sometimes.

I couldn't believe it when I got to see her. She is soooooooo tiny. But oh so adorable. She is quite fragile looking... god, I love her so much already. She was asleep when we got there, but right away they told me to go get her and not to worry about waking her up. I guess she sleeps all day right now and is up all night, hehe. I was just so glad that they right away said, go get her, hold her all you want... you know how some people are.. but they totally made us feel welcomed and wanted, and we were so happy to be there. We only stayed an hour, but I held her pretty much the whole time. Stephen held her briefly, but he is a little afraid of them when they are that little.. he likes them much better when they are at least a few weeks old, giggle. I asked them what they are going to call her.. and they said Katie. I know that Stephen's mom will always call her Kathleen, since she uses full names mostly, but they said that they don't want anyone to call her Kathy, so they are going to call her Katie right off so that it sticks. It fits her.

Nicole and Kevin both told us to come back whenever we want to visit with Katie, and they were taking pictures of us with her, awww. They are both so happy with her and so excited to have her. Kevin, Karolyn and Kimberly will be there Thursday for a week.. Kevin gets them every other week in the summer, and Kimberly is beside herself waiting. She said it's too long, she doesn't want to leave her little sister, giggle. She said.. I know, I will go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning, I will go back to sleep.. and so on until it's time to come. What a goof. They will all be at the family picnic on Saturday.. wonder if I can wait that long to see Katie again, hehe. Me thinks I might have to go visit again later this week. They live so close to us, I wish Stephen would fix my bike so I could ride there lots and lots, lol. Nicole said she wants to start walking with Katie.. I could go and walk with them. As we were leaving tonight, I told Katie.. you are going to loveeee me, you are going to say, that Aunt Vicki, she is cool, lol. Nicole was laughing.. she seems so happy and so in love with her little girl.. It's so good to see. I hope they know we are here for anything they need..I know they know it. It's good to have good family.

Well, I am ready for bed already, and it's only a little after 8, hehe. I had a hard time sleeping last night because of horrible storms all night long. Then I got up early, but Chrissy and I didn't walk since it was still raining. Bummer. But I got to workout at work, so I didn't mind too much. Chrissy is the one who was disappointed.

We took them with us to work, and Sherry picked them up later. They had fun spending time with Stephen, and they drew me some cool pictures and stuff. I was so sad when they left, and I miss them so much tonight.. but I guess I should be used to that. Now that Chuckie's surgery is put off, I probably won't have them next week like we had planned, although I didn't ask. I know I will get them again for a week over the summer, I just need to plan it. I love having them so much. They love being here just as much. After Jen dropped them off last night, and we headed home, June sounded all disappointed.. where are we going? I said home.. she said, your house? LOL, she was so afraid it was time to go home. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were happy to see Sherry too.. I guess it's all part of life for them.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am doing good getting back on track with the eating. My goal was to start getting back on track yesterday, and so far so good. I feel like I ate so much for dinner tonight, but I really didn't.. and I haven't been snacking at all, yay.
  2. Stephen and I are watching the all-star game together. I was totally bawling at the thing they did before hand, Baseballs 30th greatest moments.. Stephen was laughing at me.. I can't help it, I have the 'motionals tonight.

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