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The Blahs

The Blah's...

July 10, 2002

I think that the blahs have been going around. I know that I have them totally, but it seems like I am not the only one. I don't know what is wrong.. well not really. There are a bunch of little things, but I don't know exactly if they are what is causing the blah's or if the blah's are just making them seem worse than they really are. Don't you hate it when that happens?

I had a busy day at work today. My boss is gone for the rest of the week, so you would think that I would have a little free time, hehe.. but in fact, it's quite the opposite. I have enough work to keep me busy for a long while, but like I always say, at least when it is busy the time goes by more quickly. I didn't even have time to talk to anyone most of the morning (meaning the girls).. but then again, MSN wasn't letting me on either, so that helped keep me focussed anyway.

Stephen went over to his mom's to take care of a few things, while they are in Wisconsin. He asked me to go with him, but then decided to go alone. Now I am sorry that I didn't go with him, because Kevin, Nicole and Katie were over there. Awwww, he got to see Katie and I didn't, pout pout pout. I am going to go over tomorrow though, maybe.. hehe. I don't want to over step my welcome or anything. The other kids come tomorrow night too, so I would like to see them with their new sister and of course get lots of pictures. We'll see, I guess.. and play it by ear.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am so irritated with Stephen tonight, but I know it's just my mood. I am trying to be nice to him, even though I just want to bite his nose off (okay, not really, but you get the picture). He didn't even do anything to irritate me, but gosh, this mood is going to kill me.. or someone else, lol.
  2. I think that part of what started this mood, is that I am starting to realize how many things around me have changed recently or are still changing. I don't do so well with change.. and some of the changes are actually ones that I wouldn't have chosen to change if I had seen it coming, but I didn't. Okay, not that you will understand any of that.. but hey, it's my journal right.
  3. I am going to just go to bed... that sounds like a good plan. Then I can't kill Stephen. I even went for a long walk tonight, just to get away from everyone and everything. It was nice, and relaxing, for the most part. Now I am going to go read some more in my book club book, and try to get some much needed sleep. G'nite.

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