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Last Minute Again
07-11-2003, 9:50 p.m.

ugh... here it is almost 10:00, and I am still waiting for my BIL to call and give me the list of stuff I am supposed to bring for the family picnic tomorrow! Now, to give him credit, he did call earlier, but I was out for a walk with June, but why couldn't he have given Stephen the list!! Okay, because probably Stephen wouldn't have taken it anyway, but still, I can be aggrevated if I want to! I guess I am going to be shopping at the last minute tomorrow, again! I never did go and get an outfit either, so now I need to figure out what I am going to wear. I figured that I should just wear something old and save the money for the vacations I have coming up.

I wish now that we had planned our own meal, instead of telling Kevin that we would BBQ with them. Not that I mind BBQing with them, but I really wanted to have everything done, so that I could workout in the morning, and then just come home and get everyone ready. I was getting ready to go to the gym tonight, but June looked so sad that I was leaving, so I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk instead. She was so excited. I am so glad that I asked her to walk with me, we had such a great time.

Chrissy just asked if she could go on the internet in a few minutes.. because we make her get off the phone at 10. She has been on the phone, non-stop for hours... no make that days.. and she wants me to rush offline for her.. the nerve, lol.. I am going to miss them when they go home. Actually, tonight is our last night with them . They are not going home until Sunday, but my MIL invited them to spend the night at her house tomorrow night, with the rest of my nieces. They will have such a great time, but I hate giving up our last night, hehe. Oh well, we leave for Florida in a couple of weeks, and it will be nice ot have some alone time with Stephen too.

Okay, I better go try and call Kevin. I can't wait to hear my list. We are supposed to be getting stuff for Gerald's kids (they are dropping them off at the picnic, and we are going to watch them while they take Timothy to his baseball tournament, and for Delores' family (she has to work, but her husband and kids are coming)... I wonder what they are all bringing.. this should be interesting.

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