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Teen-age Angst
07-10-2003, 9:59 p.m.

My dad came over this morning, really sick. His partner dropped him off at our house, because he was so sick. He looked horrible and I was so worried about him. I called my mom and she said to just put him to bed, and to go ahead to work, that he would just sleep all day anyway. This is my way busy time at work, so I really couldn't take the whole day off, so I went to work, but told Chrissy to keep an eye on him. I was so glad that she was here. That was such a good thing. By the middle of the day though he was sounding and feeling so much better. I was able to take half the day off, so I came home to check on him, and he just looked a lot better too. My mom didn't want him driving though, so I took him half way home and met her. Then the girls and I went over to my MILs house.

Stephen had to work late, so we got there a couple of hours before he did, but we had a great time. Kevin and Kathleen were there, and Nicole was off picking up the other 3. She got there shortly after we did, and the girls were thrilled to be able to go off and play with Karolyn and Kimberly. They were all going to a carnival tonight, but I didn't want Chrissy and June to go, because I knew it was going to rain, and I didn't want to go searching for them. They were dissapointed, but I told them that they could spend the night with the girls on Saturday and go to the carnival then, so they were happy.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but Sherry and Chuck are not going to be going to Florida now. Sherry can't get the time off of work, and it's just not working out. So Stephen and I decided to go anyway, with the girls. At least I think so, I mean it's more expensive this way, but I think that Sherry and Chuck might pitch in for the girls, so then it would be doable. Tonight, Kevin and Nicole asked us if we wanted to go to Ohio with them that week, but I told them that we are going to Florida, and one thing led to another, and now they might be going to Florida with us instead.. hehe. That would actually be a lot of fun, and hopefully it will all work out. At any rate, I really want to go, and I don't care who else goes or doesn't.

Man, I love having the girls here, but all this teen-age angst has me going bonkers. If I have to hear about who is breaking up with who, and who is doing this and who is doing that, and how this person isn't allowed to date this person, and so on and even more.. I might run for the hills. I so do not remember being this goofy when I was 15.. but then again, I knew it all back then, didn't you? Honestly, I will say it again, I am glad she can talk to me, but there are just some things that I do not want to know... no, I really don't... but I am not sure that putting my fingers in my ears and humming is what she is looking for here. Actually, there is a lot going on, that I am not really wanting to write about, but it blew up today, and she is a little pissy about it anyway, and trying to make me and Sherry fight over it. We aren't though, we know the score.. we've been there. Let's just say that we taught her a valuable lesson over the past few days, and while she is mad, I know it is not one she will forget soon. Maybe that is a good thing. When did she grow up though? Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I really hate it. Can't we just fast forward through some of these things, and get to when she is older and wiser and I don't have to worry so much. Okay, so I don't want to miss a moment.. or do I?

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