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Shopping Fool
07-09-2003, 10:31 p.m.

I went shopping tonight. I love shopping, it is one of my favorite things to do. I can shop all the time, and never get bored with it, and I don't even have to buy anything to be happy, I just like to shop.. hehe. Tonight I did go with a purpose. I needed to get a few outfits for Kathleen, for her birthday, since we are seeing her tomorrow. I found the cutest ones for her too. Baby clothes are just way too adorable. I wish that I knew what Cory was having, hehe.. I just love baby clothes, but not the nuetral stuff as much as the cute frilly girl stuff and the adorable boy stuff.

I also wanted to pick up a new outfit for the family picnic this weekend. I like feeling like I look good for that, since we only see a lot of these people one time a year. Well, as I was in the childrens section, I started looking at stuff in June's size, and found an adorable outfit for her, and then since I got her one, I had to get Chrissy one... and I found the cutest one for her too. Then I made my way to the mens section and found a new outfit for Stephen, that I just love. By then, I was out of time, so I went to pay, and headed home. I was really excited to give them all their outfits, and was glad to see that they were all hanging out together watching TV. I told them that I had outfits for them for the family picnic, and Stephen just laughed when I gave him his... he liked it, but he said "You did not just dress me for the picnic", rofl.. yup, that I did!

The girls stuff was a little big, so we ran back real quick (the store was only open for 20 more minutes) and exchanged it for smaller sizes.. man, they really are such in between sizes, especially Chrissy who has clothes ranging from a size 0 to a size 7... it's so hard to get clothes for her, but at least I picked something that she totally loved, and she wanted to just exchange it for the right size. I gave her the option of looking for something else, but she loved what I picked, yay!!! June loved what I got her too, but I knew she would.. she is much easier to please.

Stephen told me that I should go tomorrow and get myself something new too, awwww. Far be it for me to disagree with that. Maybe at lunch time tomorrow. That sounds like a great way to spend my lunch time.

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