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Storm After Storm
07-08-2003, 9:29 p.m.

Man, this weather has really sucked lately! We have had storm after storm after storm, and they are really brutal storms... there are tree branches all over the neighborhood, and even one tree that totally is uprooted. But worse of all is that it has made us have to cancel so many plans over the past few days... Mt. Baldy, walks, and now Six Flags tonight.

It just did not make sense to even try to go. It has been raining off and on, and storming at times, and there have been tornado watches throughout the day, so that does not make for good Six Flags weather. So much for that. I felt bad, mostly because Chuck was so looking forward to it, he even had the day off today and was going to pick the kids up early and then come get me at work. I told him that he should go take the girls out anyway, but he decided not to. Bummer.

I was almost glad though at the end of the day, because I had such a horrible migraine. June slept with us last night because she was afraid of the storms, and so I didn't sleep so very well, and I got a headache in the middle of the night. It got better, but then later in the day I started having arua's and before I knew it my head was pounding so hard. I ended up coming home and dosing off for about an hour, and that helped a lot (well that and the pain pill I took), so I was able to get up and go workout. I didn't go this morning because I felt so horrible, but I knew that we were going to have to cancel Six Flags, so I didn't worry about it, knowing I could go tonight. Actually, I so didn't want to go at all to be honest, but I went and I ended up having a great workout. I am hoping that this is the start of better days ahead, hehe.

Now Chrissy is painting flags on my toenails (she has been asking me for days to let her do it, but we kept getting busy) and she is really doing such a cute job, except for when she messes up because she is yakking on the phone (we make her stop using it at 10, so she has to get her last 30 minutes in you know) and I am helping June make cupcakes in her easy bake oven. She so loves making treats in there, and while it is killing my eating habits lately, I love seeing her happy too. I could just NOT eat the stuff, but it is really such small portions.. I just need to make adjustments elsewhere to make up for it. Now if only that was as easy as it sounds.

I hear another storm coming on, so I think it's time to shut down the computer. That is just what I need, to fry this new computer.. No thanks, hehe.

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