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Few More Days
07-07-2003, 9:14 p.m.

Work seemed so far away just a day or so ago, but now it's almost time to go back. Funny how that sneaks up on you. Honestly, I don't really mind though.. I mean, a few more days off wouldn't be so bad, but I like to work, so I don't mind it so much either.

We had a nice day today. I got up early this morning to go take Stephen's Dad to the doctor. He was getting his stitches out, and it didn't take very long at all. I was home by 9, and the girls were still sleeping, so they never even knew I was gone. We spent the morning just hanging out because it was storming pretty badly out, but we did go to the movies this afternoon, and saw Charlies Angels. We all loved it alot, and June even asked if we could go buy the DVD today, lol.. she has no concept of how that works. Still it is one that we will buy when it *does* come out.

We got home and was just hanging out when Chuck called so that we could make plans for tomorrow. He is picking the girls up at 2, and then meeting me at Six Flags after I get off of work. Then they were going to go home with him afterwards, but he called me back and asked if I wanted to just take them back home with me, since they are coming back on Friday anyway. They were coming back over the weekend, to go to Stephen's family picnic with us, and he and Sherry figured we might just want to keep them, so yay, they are staying. We are still going to go to Six Flags, but they will be coming home with me afterwards.

I went to the gym to workout, which I sooooo needed. I have been blowing things off so much lately and I can really feel it. Unfortunately it was so crowded at the gym, and I was able to get on a treadmill for half an hour, but then I would have had to wait another hour to use one again, so I went home and talked Chrissy into going for a bike ride with me. Hey, exercise is exercise.. but man, I do so need to re-devote myself, yet again. One of these days I might go forward instead of backwards.. I can't wait for that day.

I have been staying up late these past few days, so I am really going to try to go to bed early tonight. Luckily I *did* get up early this morning, so that should help alot tomorrow. If I am going to go to the gym though, I am going to have to do it before work...even though we will be walking around Six Flags, but still.. I really need to get my butt in the gym. So that is my goal, to go in the morning. So it's almost beddy-bye time for me.. First I need to convince June to go to bed, and Chrissy to get off the phone for five minutes. I swear it's been attached to her ear since she got here on Wednesday. I can't wait to see my phone bill this month...oh the joy of being 15. I do remember what it is like, so I haven't complained at all... but I think that she can call it a night anyway. It won't kill her.. it will be that much more she will have to talk about all day tomorrow, lol. Really, I am not complaining.. I am just so thrilled that they are staying even longer now.... what a treat that is.

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