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BBQ at Mom's
07-06-2003, 9:56 p.m.

What a wonderful weekend this has been, and we still have a whole day off. I love it! Yesterday was so much fun, well at least once we got to my mom's house. Before that.. not so fun, lol. Well, it was my own fault. I got up early to go to the gym, and got there and did my workout. Well after my workout, I go out to the car, and realize that I don't have my keys.. so I go back into the gym to see if I left them there.. but I didn't.. they must be in the car somewhere, ugh.. and guess what, the phone is off the hook at home (thanks Chrissy, lol).. so I had to walk the 2 miles home to get Stephen to take me to get my car. I guess that it wasn't so big a deal, excpet that I was tired from my workout already, and because I was running late because of it.. and I still had to go grocery shopping and all that before we left. We left just a few minutes late though, only to get stuck in killer traffic and ended up being a little late anyway. Noone else got there for an hour after us, so it wasn't a big deal at all. I got there, and started making my pasta salad and baked beans, and eventually everyone else got there, and we started cooking, while the kids all swam. We were all so glad that Jen and Don were still able to make it (since we moved it to Saturday instead of Friday), and I know that Chrissy and June were so glad that the kids were there to play with.

After we ate a very yummy dinner, some of us adults went swimming too. We had a great time, playing games with the kids, and just playing around. It was a lot of fun, and I only got out of the pool because I was a prune by then. I did end up going swimming later in the night though for a while after Jen, Don and the kids left. Sherry, Stephen and the girls were watching a movie, and Chuck, Krystal and I went swimming for a little while. It is always fun swimming at night, but it got chilly out, and we were freezing so we didn't last too long. We were exhausted by the time everyone was getting ready to leave though, so Stephen and the girls and I decided to spend the night. I had gotten kicked in the head in the pool and my neck was killing me so bad, and I just didn't want to drive home. I am glad we stayed, cause I had fun sitting up talking to my parents and to Krystal. June's eyes were hurting her (she had swam for over 9 hours, and she opens her eyes under water, even when I told her to stop it) so they were so red and swollen, so I let her go up and sleep with Stephen and I. At least until she started having nightmares, and started kicking me in the head constantly... ugh, finally I woke her up and told her to go sleep in the other room. Man, she was beating me up, hehe.

We got up this morning, and got ready to leave, and stopped for breakfast on the way home. We were going to do some stuff with the girls today but it was storming pretty much the whole day, so we ended up just staying home. We also wanted to go over to my BILs to see our niece Kathleen who turned 1 today (Happy Birthday Kathleen), but they were not home, so I guess we will stop over there sometime this week. My neck is still killing me so I ended up taking a pain pill and a nap. Now, we've been watching movies and just goofing off on the computer and stuff (well Stephen, June have been watching movies in here and I have been playing Zoo Tycoon with June's help.. Chrissy has been on the phone for hours, lol..). We were planning on going to Mt. Baldy tomorrow, but then I read that it's going to storm tomorrow too, so we cancelled those plans, and are going to go to the movies or something like that instead. I am going to be sad to see them go home... although now I think they are staying until Tuesday instead of going home tomorrow, yay.

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