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Happy 4th!
07-04-2003, 11:06 p.m.

Happy 4th!!! Hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday surrounded by loved ones, and lot's of fun.

Today ended up being totally not what *we* had planned it to be. We woke up to lot's of storms.. fun, and my mom called and asked if we could move our party to tomorrow, since they had tornado warnings, and the such. So I called Jen and Sherry and we are all going to go over there tomorrow instead. It will still be fun, but it left us not sure what we were going to do today. The funny part, is that the weather totally cleared up by mid morning, and even though they said it would be rainy with thunderstorms all day long, we never saw it. So we could have had our party afterall.. but I guess better safe than sorry.

Tomorrow will be a lot of fun, and the only regret that I have is that we will have to miss Kathleen's party.. but she is only going to be one, and she will never remember that we were not there. I told Stephen that we always blow off my family stuff to go to his family stuff, and this once, I really wanted to put my family first. He agreed, and so we are set for tomorrow. I still have to get up in the morning though and run and get the stuff that I need, because well, I never got a chance to do it today, hehe.

We got up this morning, and after our plans changed, we decided to go out for breakfast, at our favorite, I-HOP.. well it is mostly our favorite for when we have the girls, and we all had a great breakfast and a fun time. Then we went and got the car washed (June said we should because it is New Years Eve you know... lol... I said you mean the 4th of July honey? Oh yah, that... kids). Then we all laid around the house, playing on the computer (well taking turns, hehe) and watching movies. The girls got to play some of their games that I wouldn't let them play too much on the old computer, and they were excited about that.. thus the taking turns part.

Later on, we talked about going to the movies, but I wanted to go play miniature golf, and then we remembered that it's been a sort of tradition now for the past couple of years, to go to Haunted Trails. On the 4th, they have an all you can play, wrist-band for 14 bucks each, and that includes pizza and pop too.. so we got to play a couple rounds of miniature golf, ride on all the rides, ride the go-karts and have dinner. We were there for about 4 hours, and it wasn't very crowded, so we really got to do a lot, and the girls really loved it, especially June. As we were playing our last round of golf, it got dark, and fireworks started going off all around us, and that was really neat too. Finally, we were getting tired (it was really hot and muggy out), and we just wanted to come home and watch more fireworks. We always go down to the corner on our block, because they have awesome fireworks down there, and tonight was no different. We actually bought a small kit ourselves, so the girls and Stephen picked one thing to blow off, and it was beautiful.. the rest we are saving for tomorrow night, which will be more fun, because there were so many tonight that we could just sit and watch those instead. Now they are all going over their fireworks for tomorrow, picking which they think are going to be the best and stuff.. the goofs. Me, I love fireworks, but when someone else is blowing them off, hehe. I hate watching my own money go up in smoke. Okay, now they have this box in the bathroom, weighing it on the scale.. I am sitting here cracking up listening to them... they are just so excited about blowing them off tomorrow... maybe it is worth it afterall.

Well, we are going to go to bed, and watch a movie (Freaky Friday) which the girls have never seen. Wow, that was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was a kid, so it will be fun to watch. They wanted to see it, because Disney is releasing a re-make of it, and when we saw the previews, I told them that it was a re-make of a movie from when I was a kid, and they wanted to see what it was like. Do you remember it? Jodie Foster plays the kid in the movie, and boy is it funny to see her so young.

Okay, they are all waiting for me... so I am out of here. But Happy Independence Day! I always am thankful of the country we live in, but it's always so much more profound on day's like today.

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