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The Newest New Computer
07-03-2003, 10:11 p.m.

So, after less than a week, I really didn't like my new computer so much. There were lots of little things about it that really annoyed me actually. And some things that were not working right either... so I decided that I was going to take it back tomorrow and exchange it for a different computer. I am glad that I did, because I ended up getting the one that I wanted to get in the first place (and it was on sale for 200 off, so it really only cost me an additional 100 dollars, which isn't so bad), and they didn't have it in stock last weekend, so I went to the store by my work instead, and they had it there... so it worked out well. They didn't give me a hard time about it at all, and I was in and out in half an hour, with my new computer. Of course, that meant that I had to set everything up again, and so that took a bunch of time, but it was totally worth it, because I LOVE my newest new computer!! I really am thrilled with this one now, and so I am happy.. Happy me, hehe.

I had decided to do all of this last night, and so I didn't even feel like getting online to write in my journal.. imagine that! Honestly, I was having trouble installing a CD burner program, and it wasn't reading my burner, and after only having had the computer for 5 days, I was really frustrated. My new computer came with tons of programs, and the other one barely had any, so that's nice.. but I still tried to install the program that I had trouble with yesterday, and it worked with now problem on this computer. I do feel so much better.

So yesterday, I was supposed to meet Chuck and the girls at Six Flags, but as I was getting ready to leave work, I went to get my pass out, and uh oh, I didn't have it. I guess that the last time we went, I had worn a jacket, and I had left the pass in there.. eek, which meant that I would have to go all the way home, and then all the way out there. So I called Chuck and told him that I would be late, and told him why, and he said that we should skip it... that it wasn't worth it, and he was right. So instead, he brought the girls to my work, and we went home from there. I decided to take them to the movies instead, and we ended up going to see Legally Blonde 2.. which was really cute. The girls really loved it a lot, and I thought it was adorable, so we really had a great time together. I thought that they might be disappointed about not getting to go to Six Flags, but they were just happy to be with Stephen and I and then when I told them that we were going to the movies, they were really happy. We all want to see Charlie's Angels, but are waiting for Stephen (maybe Sunday).

Today, I ended up working only half the day, so I came home and hung out with the girls, and worked on this new computer... then when Stephen got home, we went over to his mom and dad's for dinner. His aunt and uncle were there too, so it was nice to visit with them too. We had a really good time. Then we went to the video store, and got some movies and came home to hang out here. I so should have gone to get the stuff I need for tomorrow, but I just didn't feel like it, so I guess that I am going to be getting up tomorrow to go get it all, and then make the things I need to make. We are all going to my mom and dad's tomorrow for the 4th. We are having a BBQ and I am really rather excited about it actually. Jen and Don and the kids are coming, as are Sherry and Chuck. Stephen, the girls and I are going to head out early, so that we can spend the day swimming too.. so hopefully it won't rain. It's going to be a fun day no matter what though.

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