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Lost Keys

Lost Keys...

July 16, 2002

Has anyone seen my keys? I lost them. Okay, I knew exactly where they were (on the bedroom floor). I left them there because I would remember that they were there, but my husband has this annoying habit of picking anything up that is on the floor and then not remembering where he put it. Now, before you tell me I am nuts for complaining that he actually cleans, I just have to say.. he loses all my stuff in the process, lol. Sometimes I like my mess, it is not a mess, it is my organization. I mean, come on, if your keys are on the floor, you are going to remember that they were on the floor, at least I would.. and I did remember it, only when I went to get them, they were not there. So now I haven't seen them in a few days, and I am getting pretty annoyed with it. I totally hate not being able to find something, especially my keys.. it's just so annoying to me.

Other than that, things are good, lol. I had an okay day at work. I have still been pretty emotional lately, and I don't know why. Stephen said my hormones are out of whack, funny how men blame all of our moods on hormones, give me a break. I think that it's because my sleep schedule has been totally out of whack. Ever since vaction, I haven't been able to get back on a normal sleep schedule, and I find myself going to bed later and later, and then I have such a hard time getting up in the mornings. I really need to work on that. Stephen suggested doing my sit ups earlier in the evening, so I did that tonight, and now I am writing in here earlier than normal as well.. or at least I was before I stopped to look for my keys again.. uggghhh, I just want to scream about that.

I had a nice walk tonight, and then I came home and worked on a scrapbook layout. I even got the next one ready to go, so maybe I will keep up with things for a while. That would be nice. I have been feeling pretty productive lately. Work has been so busy with grants, and getting stuff ready for the fall quarter, so I've been getting a lot done there. I have a lot to do still though, and there are a few projects that I need to do that I haven't even started on, hehe. I better get my butt in gear. I seem to have gotten into a nice routine at home now as well. We come home, make dinner together, then just hang out, reading or whatever... until I leave for my walk (I wait until it cools down a little), and then it's back to reading or watching TV, playing on the computer, or now scrapbooking. Then we watch trading spaces before bed (we tape it every day, lol). Now if I could just get my butt in bed earlier, I will be ok. I was doing good tonight, until I got upset over the keys again. Okay, I am going to look again, and try to be in bed before too long.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am so with Dana.. that freaking flashing banner is the most annoying thing in the whole world. It gives me a headache, and basically makes me want to shut this computer down so I don't have to look at it anymore. Why oh why must we be subjected to this.
  2. I had fun helping Jen with her webpage today. She is doing it all on her own, but I help her with the codes when she gets a little confused, and that is happening less and less. I am so proud of her.. it really looks awesome all that she has done so far.
  3. I am going out to my mom's this weekend, to help her paint her office. She is excited about me coming, and I am looking forward to it too. Maybe I will get a chance to stop by and see Cory's new bathroom too.. she said it is done finally and I bet that it is just beautiful. I can't wait to see it.
  4. Today was supposed to be Chuckie's surgery date.. but with him being in the hospital, he didn't get the pre-surgery work up stuff done, so they pushed it back until August 1st. I am sorry that he has to wait, but at least it's not too long. He sounded excited when he called and told me. I am still not sure that it's the best idea, but I am glad that he is happy, and I hope it goes smoothly for him. It's going to be so strange seeing him lose weight (and so fast too)... I can't even imagine what he will look like. If only we could all lose weight fast.. that would be too cool.

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