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Ever Changing Plans
07-21-2003, 10:11 p.m.

Today is our nephew Eric's 12th Birthday (Happy Birthday Eric.. I can't believe you are 12 already.. man), so we went over to my BIL and SILs for dinner and cake. Yes, cake, ice-cream cake.. hey it's a birthday.. .lol. I could have said no thanks, but I will pass on other things, I am having cake at my nephew and niece's parties, hehe. I did go and work out when we got home though, even though it was late, and I was only able to go for half an hour before they closed, I am proud of myself for going. Even with the cake, I had a good day!

We had a nice time hanging out with the family tonight. We even sorta planned our vacation, which is only a week and a half away.. lol. We finally made some decisions about what we are going to do, and not do. We are not going to Florida. As much as we all wanted to, the weather there hasn't been the greatest and none of us want to take the chance of being stuck there with bored kids... no thanks on that. Instead, since we all have our six flags season passes, we are going to drive to St. Louis to go to the six flags there, and we are going to stay at the Jellystone Park that is near there. At first, I was worried cause Stephen really said he would rather stay home, but tonight, he told me that while he WOULD rather stay home, that he knows that he will have a good time once we are there, and that I should ignore him and just plan it. However, he does NOT want to camp, so we are going to rent a cottage instead. And I compromised, and we are going to only go for 2 nights (Kevin and Nicole are going for 3), and we invited Delores and John and Gerald and Michelle. I am not sure who is going to be going, but they were all very interested, so it might end up being all of us, which would really be so very cool. I am happy with the way things are working out, so that is good. I even *almost* have Stephen talked into the third night in the tent... hehe, we'll see about that. The cottages are only available two of the nights, so we would have to do a tent the first night, but I think that he would be okay with it once we got there.. since it is air-conditioned and already put up. It could be fun!! LOL... There is really a lot to do at this place too, a pool, miniature golf, and trails, as well as the six flags and a six flags water park.. I hope he agrees to the 3rd night, hehe.

I am getting really excited about the trip too, which is good since I've been really upset over the not knowing what we are doing thing, so this is a good thing. Can't wait to see what happens... Man, I love vacation!

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