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Not Enemies...Not Friends

Not Enemies...Not Friends...

July 23, 2002

Well, it's been a few days, and Shadow and Meowskers are still not friends, but they are not exactly enemies anymore either. I see a lot of improvement, mainly the hiss fests are coming less, and they will even stand next to each other to eat now. I really think that eventually they will become friends, but it doesn't matter much anymore, because I think Meow is here to stay.. I am starting to totally love her already. She has so much personality and she is so fun. Shadow will always be my baby, but I think that Meow can make a nice place in our home (and in our hearts).

Meow totally loves Stephen, and keeps hopping on his lap and giving him kitty kisses.. he tries to pretend that he doesn't love her yet, but he sure does.. I joked and said (after a hiss fest tonight).. I might as well tell my mom that we can't keep her.. and he said.. no honey, it's getting better.. they are just fine.. giggle. I wasn't really going to tell my mom that, but it was nice to see that he wants to keep her too, makes it easier somehow.

Wow, what a day. I had so much work to do today, and I got a lot done, but at the end of the day I realized that I still have so many extra projects that I haven't even begun yet, so I better get my butt in gear on those, starting tomorrow. I can't believe that classes are going to start in about a month.. sheesh, where does the time go. By the time we left work, I was exhausted..

We took my car in today to get the damage fixed from when the brick was thrown in our window. We had the window fixed the next day, but they had to order the other part from the dealer.. so we took it in this morning, and I was going to pick it up this evening. They said it would be ready at 5:30 and since the place is 2 blocks from my MILs, I had Stephen drop me off there and then he went to go visit with is dad. He was supposed to come home from the hospital today, but they had some problems getting his catheter out, so they were keeping him until tomorrow now.. he wasn't very happy about it. Stephen's mom was going back up there tonight, but she was not going until 6, so it was nice to spend a little time with her before I went to get the car.

The car wasn't finished.. well it was finished.. but they messed up on ordering the part, and only had half of what we needed.. so it's only half fixed, and now we have to wait for them to get the part from the dealer again, ugh.. at least he didn't charge me anything tonight for the half fixed job, lol. It already looks 10000 times better too, so I can live with it now until the other piece comes in.

I got home about the same time that Stephen did and we had a wonderful dinner together... I made chicken vesuvio in the crock pot all day long, and the house still smells so yummy. Then we hung out for a bit, and then I went for my walk. I have so been enjoying my evening walks.. I don't know what I will do come winter, lol.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Sherry called a while ago. She got a huge promotion at work, and I am so thrilled for her. This means that she will only be working days now, with an occasional weekend, which is absolutely wonderful, and she makes more money. I am so proud of her, she really has come a long way. Way to go Sherry!
  2. I am trying to plan a crop night with Tricia and Jess, and I was telling Stephen tonight, and I realized that I was really excited about it. I hope it works out. Cory will be on vacation then, so I don't think she will make it, which is the only bummer, but it will be tons of fun. I will have Chrissy and June for then too, so they will have fun playing with Jess' little girl, Diedra... it would be a blast.
  3. I so need to finish my florida entries.. I only have a few more.. and I really want to finish them... maybe I will go pick out the pics for the next one now before I go to bed.
  4. I finished my Book club book, yay. It was really good and I enjoyed it alot. Can't wait to talk about it with the girls. I am going to start a new book tonight (no not the next BCB, I am being good and waiting)... unless I fall asleep first, hehe. I've been getting up earlier the past few days, which is good, but I sure am tired at night now.

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