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07-24-2002, .


July 24, 2002

I haven't done much other than mention that my FIL is in the hosptial. Mostly, because it's common these days.. he has seizures, some that are okay, but others that leave him unconscious and out of it for days. Those are the ones that land him in the hospital, like this one has. It takes him a few days to get back to what normal has become and then he comes home. It's a part of life. So this time, was the same as normal, except for when my MIL went to bring him home yesterday, and they took the catheter out. Seems the balloon wouldn't come out. They said that they had never seen anything like it. So he had to stay again, for a procedure to remove it this morning. It didn't work. I don't understand what is going on, and my MIL can't explain it. I guess they are going to do something else tomorrow to remove it, and he will be in the hospital yet another night tomorrow night. I am so hoping that everything is okay. Stephen is pretty worried and upset, understandably so.. I really just hope that everything works out tomorrow.. for everyone's sake, most of all my FIL, who just wants to go home.

That's about all I feel like writing about tonight, so this is going to be a short short entry. I just don't feel like much else, so good night.

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