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So Little

So Little...

July 28, 2002

I have done so little today.. okay, I have done so little for the past four days. Thursday and Friday, I was sick, so at least I have a reason for that.. and Saturday, okay, I was recouping, but there is no reason for me to do nothing again today. I got up this morning, and went to the grocery store, and then to the video store to return the first season of SATC, and to get the 2nd season. At least I didn't spend the whole day watching that, as I only watched 3 episodes so far, lol.. okay 4 if you count the new one that I watched tonight. I really am liking that show though, I think it's going to be a new addiction. Now I am watching For the People, and I have to catch up on Strong Medicine which I taped while I was watching SATC.. oh and I watched the Division too... Sundays are becoming a total TV night... eek. I am sitting here taping For the People while I type this so that I don't miss any of it, all the time wondering if I really want to get involved in another show...sometimes I think I watch too much TV, but it's not like I run my life around it, so that's ok, right. I didn't even care when I missed all the shows last week when I was at my moms. I know some people who can only make plans around their TV schedule.. now if I get that bad, ... well don't do anything about it.. it's my choice, giggle.

I did get a page done in my scrapbook today (a really cute one though, with pictures of Shadow.. and I paper pieced the cutest picture of her...I loved it).. just one layout though, you would think that with as little else that I have gotten done lately, I could have gotten more of that done.. I can't even tell you where all my time has gone lately. I did spend some time on the computer today and am caught up with list mail, so that is at least one thing I accomplished. I also made a yummy dinner, which Stephen and I both enjoyed very much. I made chicken tenders and sweet potato fries (better me choices - have you tried them yet Tricia???), and it was totally yummy. I went for my walk earlier as well, so that was a nice thing. Still, I could have gone to church with Stephen this morning or over to his parents with him afterwards, but I just didn't feel like it. How unlike me, I am usually the one who is dying to get out of the house. Perhaps going back to work tomorrow is going to be a good thing. Speaking of which, I really should check my work email.. nah, tomorrow is soon enough, hehe. It will be good to get back to work, I have so many projects I need to finish. My boss will be gone most of this week, so at least I will have time to catch up on some things. I get light headed thinking of all I need to do, lol.

I got an email from Jen today. I can't wait for her to get home. Sounds like they had a great visit though. Can't wait to hear all about it. Okay, bedtime for me... gotta get up early tomorrow, something I haven't done in days.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I forgot to mention that my weight is down to 187. woo hoo. I am in the 180's... Happy Dance. I never thought that I would be here, how exciting.
  2. I am getting the girls on Wednesday, for a week. Chuck's surgery is on Thursday. I am so excited for him. I bet he is getting nervous now.. only a few days left to go.
  3. I can't wait for next Sunday. Scrap day at Jess' house. I can't wait to see her and Tricia.. it's been too long since I've seen them. It's going to be great to see how awesome they look too, since they've been on the better me plan as well... and are both doing awesome. This is going to be so much fun.
  4. My printer is not working... stomp, pout, cry!! It's new too.. I so need to take it in to be fixed. I was going to print out my recipes for our swap tonight, but now I have to do it at work. I will get those in the mail tomorrow or tuesday.. so watch your mail ladies.

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