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July 29, 2002

I ate too much!!! Stephen took me out to dinner tonight, and I decided what the heck, I deserve a cheat night once in a while right... everyone does.. but I totally overdid it and now I am totally miserable. What gets me is that I used to eat this much almost every night, and I don't remember it ever making me feel sick, or maybe it did, and I just didn't care. I just can't believe how awful I feel. Although, it really is a good reminder of why I am doing all that I am doing, in trying to make better choices, isn't it. Who wants to feel like this all the time. I do remember being so full that my stomach just hurt... and I haven't felt this way in a long time...I never realized just how uncomfortable it was before now.

When we got home, I was planning on going for a good walk, but man, I so didn't feel like it. All I wanted to really do was lay down and take a nap. I compromised though, and I walked to the library to return a book and take out a few more. It's a 2 mile walk round trip, so at least I got a good walk out of it, and yet I didn't feel like I had to walk walk.. if that makes any sense at all... lol. I still walked at a quick pace, and stuff, but it was more like a walk to the library mentally. I did work out in the gym today as well, so it's not like I didn't do that. I started feeling a lot better after my walk, but I tell you, it will be a long time before I eat like that again.

On the way home from the library, Kim (the lady down the block that I used to be good friends with), was out, so we talked for a while. She used to live with her brother and SIL, and that is when we became good friends (they live a block down) and then she moved out and got married, and we sorta lost touch.. but now she is seperated and back with her brother. She was dating this guy though and was with him all the time, so I've barely seen her, but I guess they broke up now, so she has been around a lot more, lol. We had a nice talk. Okay, I just have to say that they are totally nuts though, that family.. they are .. well I am not going to say more than that. Let's just say that a few minutes over there leaves me appreciating my own family. Still sometimes it is nice to just have someone to talk to for a while.

I had a productive day at work today and got quite a bit done, but I still have tons to do. My boss left today for the rest of the week though, so at least it won't be piling up, and I can just play catch up. I am taking Thursday off to take the girls to Six Flags too, so that is going to be really nice. We are going to Sherry and Chuck's for dinner tomorrow night, and to pick up the girls.. for a whole week, yippee.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tonya and I are watching a good movie on Lifetime and talking during commercial. I like it when we do that, and we haven't in a long time. It's fun, hehe.
  2. I soooo cannot wait for Jen to get home. I miss her bunches, and can't wait to see her. I am going to ask her if she and Nicole wants to join us on Sunday. I decided to let the girls take their scrapbook stuff with them to work on too, they might like that... Nicole has her own stuff as well, so maybe she would have fun. I hope Jen says yes.
  3. I also hope that Cory can make it on Sunday, even for a little bit. She gets home from vacation on Saturday, and I miss her bunches too.. I don't think that she and Jen should be allowed to take vacations at the same time.
  4. Can you believe that it is almost August???? Where in the heck does the summer go and why does it go so quickly. I can't believe that we haven't done a vacation with the girls at all. I feel badly for that.. but we will make it up to them next year when we take them to Florida and Disney. Sherry has already said that yes we could take them, so not it's just a matter of saving up and planning it. We are going to do a 10 day road trip with them, it will be so much fun. There are so many places that I would love to take them.
  5. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. Have I mentioned how much I love having them around? And how terribly I miss them when they are not. They were not supposed to come until Wednesday, but then Sherry invited us over for dinner tomorrow and well, now we get that extra day, yay.

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