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Cold Theatres
08-03-2003, 10:39 p.m.

Today has been a quiet sort of day, but sometimes those are really nice. We all sorta slept in, and then got up and had a nice breakfast together, and then I went to the gym and had a nice workout. Afterwards I came home and the girls and I went to the movies to see Identity. It was scary, and I really tried to talk June out of going because she doesn�t like scary movies at all. I wanted to take Chrissy because she absolutely loves scary movies, and June hovered between wanting to go and wanting to stay home with Stephen. She decided to go at the last minute, because she didn�t want to be left out, but I wish she had stayed home.

First of all the theatre was freezing!!! Luckily, I had told both girls to take a sweatshirt, and I had grabbed a light jacket, because we all ended up using them as a blanket, and we were still freezing. I am not even kidding, I felt like I had icicles forming on my eyelashes, hehe. I was so cold my teeth were chattering... June�s were as well, but hers were from fright. She was so scared of the movie and spent half of it hiding on my lap. While I was thankful for the extra heat, I felt bad for her and at one point I was going to leave and take her home and then go back for Chrissy, but decided that she was warned and just HAD to go, so it was her own fault. It was a little scary, but not that bad� and it ended up being an okay movie. I just don't understand why they have to have the theatre so cold... it is impossible to really enjoy yourself when you are freezing... I heard so many people complaining about it too. Next time I am wearing pants and a sweater, I don't care how hot it is outside.. of course with my luck that will be the time when it isn't so cold.

We stopped on the way home to get some groceries, and then Stephen called and asked me to stop and get Piglet�s Big Movie for us, so I did that as well. We got home, and started making dinner and all sat down to watch the movie. It was so cute (I love Winnie the Pooh movies) but I was tired and fell asleep in the middle... I woke up at the end, just in time to get dinner out of the oven, hehe. I guess I will have to watch it again later. They put in the Tigger Movie (and now they are watching a different pooh movie, they are having a pooh night). I felt like going for a walk though, and Chrissy and June both wanted to go with, so we headed out. I was just going to go 2 miles, since I did go to the gym, but they wanted to go the full route, so that was nice, an extra workout which I totally needed. Those snacks at the movies get ya, lol. Now, I jumped on here to write this really quick and I have Chrissy standing over my shoulder because her friends are waiting to talk to her� oh no. I tell you, I can�t use the phone or the computer because she is attached to both of them, often at the same time. I am not complaining, not really. No, really, lol. Okay, she just stomped off... her friends are going to leavvveeee... boy oh boy..

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