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Happy Birthday Mom
08-20-2004, 10:08 p.m.

Today is my MILs 65th Birthday. We went over for dinner and cake, and had such a great time. Stephen didn't want to stay so late because he had a rough day at work, but I wanted to stay so he went home and June and I stayed behind. I was so glad I did too, we had such a nice time just sitting around talking and listening to old stories. It's been a long time since I've just sat and talked with his family and it reminds me of just how much I love being a part of them. I am so very fortunate, because I have in-laws that I just love, as much as I love my own family.

Jake started High school today, and Kevin starts next week. That is just amazing to me. I still look at them, and while they tower over me in height now, I still see them as these adorable little babies. I am not sure where time goes. They just keep growing up, all of them. Amy wrote a story today for her gram as a birthday present. It was 4 typed pages, and it was wonderful. I laughed so hard, and then cried equally as hard. It was exactly her gram, and I know that it is something my MIL will treasure for always.

I made a card for her, and she just went on and on about it. The thing with her is that you know if she says something, it's the truth. She does not lie, not even to spare your feelings. She puts it out there, and that's that. In Amy's story she wrote "my gram is the person who has taught me to be myself. Even in public she acts like herself. She says that if people don't like you for who you are, then they are not worth it anyway. I hope that I am always myself like my gram is". Through the eyes of a child we can learn many things about ourselves.

I leave you with a funny story. For most of Stephen's childhood, they celebrate his mom's birthday on August 24th. That was what she thought her birthday was. Well one day my FIL comes home with a copy of her birth certificate that she needed to get a passport. Imagine everyone's surprise when he is cracking up... her birthday is actually the 20th. It's a huge family joke now. It's nice to have family stories.. and family closeness.. to just feel so much a part of that. Happy Birthday mom, and thanks for always being yourself.

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