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Home Again
08-26-2002, 2:11 p.m.

Home Again...

August 26, 2002

Okay, I really did get home yesterday afternoon, and there were several times when I even thought about getting online and writing in here, about my trip, but honestly, I just didn't want to. I was tired, and I was happy just spending time with Stephen and telling him all about my wonderful weekend in Tennessee. And wonderful it really was.. it was one of those weekends that is just perfect from start to finish. I cannot think of a bad moment the whole time, it was just so great. I am going to write about it, starting tonight.. I really don't want to miss anything, and I want to add pictures, so stay tuned for those entries.

My flight home yesterday was pretty easy, and we actually made it home early.. and since I carried on my bags, and didn't have to wait, I called Stephen right away.. and by the time I got out of the airport (I was at a far gate), he was pulling up. I was so happy to see him, and happy to be home. It's funny because when I left Tonya, I was so sad to be leaving, but then when I got home, I was happy to be there too.. I miss Tonny though, and hope that I get to see her again in the not too distant future. I always say that I hate how far she lives, and yet in a few months she will be even further, and even harder to see. I guess that Mike got his orders for Hawaii today, so it's official, they are going to be moving there in December. I have been trying so hard to act happy for them, because I know how exciting it is and how much they really want to do this, but at times, all I can do is feel sorry for myself knowing that it can very well be 3 long years before I see her again. In a way that made this past weekend even more special.

We did so many things this past weekend, that it really felt like way longer than just 2 days, and going to work today, I felt like I had been gone for a week, instead of off for just one day. It was the strangest feeling, and it took me a little bit to get into the swing of things here. Classes begin next week though, so it's been a little hectic around here for everyone.. this is the most stressful time for all of us. It will be like this for another few weeks and then things will slowly fall back into place. In the meantime, I have so much to do, and I might even start taking some of this extra stuff home with me, just to catch up on it. I don't mind.. the OT is always nice anyway.

Speaking of money.. I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about christmas, and I tell you, with as many kids as we have in the family now, I think that I should start buying a few gifts here and there now, so that I am not swamped later in the year. It seems so strange to be thinking about Christmas already, but it really isn't all that far away. Funny how these things just sorta sneak up on us.

Tonight I need to run to the library and then I just want to hang out with my honey. We hung out together last night.. just being apart for a few days makes you appreciate each other a little more, and appreciate the time that you have together. He has been doing so well with his moods too.. usually this time of the year sucks so bad, but he has been working hard at keeping work problems at work, and not stressing about them at home, and that means less fighting for us.. although usually it is just me fighting.. he is just quiet and moody and I can't stand it so I fight.. you would think I would learn.. or maybe I have.. maybe it is just a combination of things, but things are great right now and I am happy.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I didn't get a chance to go workout today at work yet, but I think that I am getting more used to going at night now anyway. I used to hate going at night, now I don't mind it so much. It depends though, if Stephen has to work later, I might just go here before we go home. I certainly like having options though.
  2. We are trying to decide what we are going to do next weekend..with the long holiday weekend. Maybe I should call and see if I can get the girls. My parents are going to Indiana for the weekend, and maybe I could take them there for a day... maybe I should just stay home and paint our bedroom though.. I have been wanting to get it done, and a long weekend would be a perfect time.
  3. The girls started school today... I can't wait to talk to them to see how it went. Chrissy's first day in High School... that seems so amazing to me!!!
  4. Chuck is up to a 40 pound loss now since the surgery. Wow.. that is amazing too... I can't wait to see him and see how good he looks. I am so happy for him, he seems thrilled.

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