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Back in Class
08-27-2002, 5:26 p.m.

Back in Class...

August 27, 2002

The girls went back to school yesterday, and I was so anxious to talk to them last night to see how they did with it. I talked to both of them and to Chuck for a long time, and I cracked up most of it. Let's see, the 3rd grader... she was so excited to tell me about her new school.. and her favorite part? She said.. "I get out of school at 2:25, and I get home at 2:26". What a goof. They live right across the street from the school and she is totally loving that. I asked her about her new friends, and she said she made a lot of them.. I asked what their names are, and she said "Actually I didn't remember to ask them"...wonder which one of those nameless friends is her best friend, hehe.

Now for the new high schooler. I have to admit that I sat and cracked up at her, which probably made her none to happy, but I couldn't help it.. it turns out that common sense is not her strong suit.. she is going to be the kid who buys an elevator pass in a one story Let's see.. she was over an hour late getting home from school.. and Chuck was getting worried, so he put June in the car and went looking for her.. they saw her about half way home.. stomping her feet all the way and looking pissed at the world. When she got into the truck, she started yelling at Chuck right away... "I need the receipt for my yearbook Dad, I can't believe you didn't just give it to me"... Yearbook Chrissy? Yah, she says... they announced in the last period that yearbooks were available for pick up after school.. and she waited in such a long line to pick hers up only to find out that she didn't have her receipt... LMAO.... Um, Chrissy... a yearbook on the first day of high school??? You never even got your picture taken... to which she says.. YES I DID.. SEE, and pulls out her class ID. Chuck was laughing so hard he had to pull the truck over. When he called to tell us about it, we were cracking up, and Stephen asked her if she gets her class ring tomorrow.. we figure we better get out invites to her graduation next week. Here we thought it would take her a few years to get out of high school, but it turns out she is on the accelerated program, giggle. She knew we were just teasing her though, and she laughed about it alot. What a goof... I still can't believe she really waited in a line for an hour for a yearbook...shaking my head...

Tomorrow is orientation for the students at work, which means the start of the fall quarter. Our classes start on Tuesday so we have been rushing to get everything ready for it. We had a town hall meeting today to talk about parking issues. They are building a parking garage at work and have been working on it all summer.. the first floor will be available for occupation in about 3 weeks, but until then it will be hell to park.. I am not looking forward to it, but they seem to have a good plan, I hope it works out.. or the next few weeks are going to be very long ones.

Tonight is my new member orientation at the gym.. I get weighed and measured and learn how to use the machines and all that kinda stuff. I am not looking forward to the weighing part.. but maybe it is what I need to kick my butt back into gear. Something has to do it, lol. Seriously though, I have been looking forward to this and hope that I walk away from it with a better idea of what I should be doing, weight training wise. It is one of the reasons that I joined the gym to begin with. I am hoping that it doesn't take all that long though, because I would like to take my step class at 8. Hopefully, I will do really well this week, and then I am thinking of moving up to the regular step class. I can't believe how much I like it.. I couldn't have done this a few months ago.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I talked to my MIL today and it looks like we are going to Vegas from October 20-24. I am really excited, especially now that we have dates picked.. it just makes it much more real. We are looking at airfare now, and then we will book the rooms. Stephen is so looking forward to it too, and he and I often talk about things that we want to do this time. I am going to love this time with him.
  2. I have to go get ready to go to the gym.. if I get home early enough tonight, I will write another Tennesee weekend entry, but I have to workout after my appointment, since I didn't yet today, so if not, then I will write another tomorrow.

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