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What A Day
08-29-2002, 10:12 p.m.

What A Day...

August 29, 2002

Let's see.. this day so did not go very well.. at least not at the start. I set my alarm to get up early to go the gym for the step class.. lol, yah right. I rolled right over and went back to sleep, and then woke up late because well my alarm was set for earlier, remember. Luckily we got to work in just enough time to actually find a parking spot. I so need to remember that parking is going to suck for the next 3 weeks and if I don't want to have to circle the campus 5 times looking for a spot, I need to get my butt in a little earlier. Now remembering that and actually doing it are two different things... I guess circling the campus enough times will make me do it though.

So getting in a little late is bad enough.. I mean, my boss doesn't care, but I really needed to finish up that project that I have been working on at home every night.. so I open up the file to work on it.. I am almost done.. and I could see it getting finished today, when, what's that.. the file won't open.. it's corrupt!! OMG, and dummy that I can be at times didn't make a back up copy. Now when did I get THAT smart??? I so know better than that.. and omg, it was a nightmare. I litterally wanted to cry.. and I think I did a little. I think my boss did a little too, lol. The thing is, this is a project for a group he is the vice president of, the group that had that meeting back in May.. so it's something that I get paid extra for.. and all those hours shot... I did have some copies of the stuff I had done at home, but none of the stuff I did at work. I did feel a little better when he said that he wanted me to put both the hours on there that I already did and the hours I was going to have to do. He also said that I could work on it all day today at work.. and let me put off some other stuff.. so that was a HUGE help and went a long way to making me feel better.. and then I decided, instead of typing all this again.. I was going to scan it.. and omg, why didn't I think of that before.. it still took me all day to fix the scans.. but it was so much easier than actually typing it. It didn't make it all that faster.. just a little.. but easier is good. With the stuff I had saved in my email, and with a lot of hard work, I finished it though.. and now I can send it in tomorrow as well as my hours... that will come in handy as it is money for Vegas, yay.

Speaking of Vegas, the plans are coming along great. We are going from October 20-24th.. did I mention that already? We are staying at the Rio which is wow.. pretty nice. They have a really nice pool area with sand pools, and waterfalls... 4 pools all together, among alot of other fun stuff. I can't wait to start really planning what we are going to do there, but I do know that Stephen and I are both pretty excited.

I went to workout with Dee tonight. It was so much fun, and I am so glad again that she joined. Tricia joined today too, and I can't wait to be able to go and workout with her...maybe this weekend.. this is going to be cool. It is so much fun to have people to work out with.. especially because I didn't even want to go tonight, I wasn't going to either until Dee called and asked me to go with her.. of course I just had to, hehe.. and it was great.. glad I went. We are going to meet there tomorrow night too.. yay. Stephen has to go do something for his parents anyway, so I might as well. Jen and Don had invited us over for dinner, but we can't tomorrow night... maybe we will be able to find another day this weekend to do so. I know they are busy with Nicole's room anyway, so maybe they will be glad that we can't come, lol.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I picked up 15 rolls of pictures tonight... omg, some back from Christmas (I know I *was* behind, and I still have 20 rolls to develop, snicker). I vow to get some of them done the next payday and then the rest of them. I so want to just be caught up. Anyway, I didn't look at them all yet.. but Stephen was bring some in to show me. It was cute because I had no clue which ones they would be... and man, can I say.. the ones from Christmas.. I look sooooooooooooo fat. My face was soooooo heavy even, and my 3 chins showed oh so nicely. I am so glad that I started working out.. I really feel so much better about myself. It's nice to not have to be ashamed of myself anymore.
  2. I can't believe I gave up candy for all of September.. just a few more days until then... eeek, this is going to be so hard.
  3. Yay, tomorrow we get to leave a few hours early and then it is a long weekend. I am so excited about that, although I still have not a clue about everything that we are doing. Oh well, it will all come together and for once I will just have to play it by ear... eek, did I say that?
  4. The cats are fighting so much tonight... sometimes they get along great and other times forget it... Stephen says they are playing.. maybe they are.. I wish I knew. I would feel better thinking that they are just playing.

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