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Got My Hair Cut

Got My Hair Cut...

September 05, 2001

I have been debating about getting my hair cut for some time. I have really kept it long for a lot of years now, at least since high school, although I have had it shoulder length once or twice, it really has been mostly long. Anyway, lately, it's been driving me nuts. I had a lot of split ends and it just looked so bad at the ends. So today, I told Stephen to drop me off where we get our hair cut. It's only about 4 blocks from the house and I thought it would be nice to walk home afterwards.

I have to say that one of the things I totally love about getting my hair cut, is when they wash it. There is no better feeling than having someone else wash your hair. Man, I wish I could do that everyday, giggle. So I get into her chair afterwards and she says, A trim as usual? I said Nope, let's cut it off. I think she was stunned, giggle. But I did it... it's a little above my shoulders.. or maybe just to my shoulders, but it looks really nice. I had layers put in it too, and it just looks so much healhier and has so much more life.

When I got home, Stephen said how much he loved it right away, which made me happy, because he usually likes it longer, and doesn't say much when I get it cut. But he said that it really looks nice, awwww.

I can't wait to fix it nice for work tomorrow and see what everyone says, giggle.

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