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Sweet Tomatoes
09-08-2002, 10:29 p.m.

Sweet Tomatoes...

September 08, 2002

I got up this morning, and got ready to go meet Tricia at her place so that we could go workout together and then go to lunch. She gave me great directions and I found her place so easily.. I parked my car and got in to hers with her. She handed me the cutest box, and I was like, what's this, lol.. it took me by surprise totally. She had put some cute healthy snacks and stuff inside the box.. she said that she keeps a box with snacks in it for herself, and that it helps.. I just thought that was the sweetest thing. Thank you again Tricia.. it was so unexpected and so thoughtful. I was so touched.

Her gym is so cool, and the equipment is a bit newer.. and they have TVs!! Man, I am going to tell mine that I want them to get TVs, lol. Funny that it's the same company and yet in some ways it was so different.. and in some ways so the same. I don't know if I was expecting a replica or was nice in a different way. We got on the treadmills for 45 minutes, and I swear it went by so quickly. We talked the whole time, and I couldn't believe it when I saw that 45 minutes had passed. We then moved to the cross trainers (elipticals) because she had never used them before, hehe. We did 17 minutes on that (again, it went by much more quickly than when I do it alone, and I really felt like I could stay on longer too.. so unlike when I do it alone, lol). She agreed that it was a torture machine, but you get such a great workout from it. I was sweating so much! I wish that she and I lived closer, because it would be fun to be able to workout together more often. I don't know how to explain it, but we are so at the same level in this, and it was just fun. Plus, I really just enjoy her company very much.

After our workout, we cleaned up as much as we could. Tricia carries babywipes in her bag, what a great idea, I am going to get me some tomorrow, lol. Then it was time for lunch, always the best part. We were going to Sweet Tomatoes. I had only been there once before, after Chrissy's graduation, and Tricia had never been there. It is a big salad bar type place, but they also have a soup bar, a bakery bar and a pasta bar. Yummy food, which I enjoyed a lot. I did so well though, and although I got some good things to eat, I really didn't pig out, I was very satisfied, and that felt really good. Maybe I am getting the hang of this eating thing after all. After we ate, we sat around talking about the b4l list, and other things, and eventually we headed back to her place, where we sat and talked some more until I realized how late it was getting and I was supposed to be at Kevin and Nicoles to babysit. I had plenty of time to get there, but I didn't want to be late. Maybe I should have had my cell phone on.

As I headed home, I turned on my phone and listened to my messages only to find out that Nicole ended up not having to work today, so I didn't have to babysit after all, lol. She and the kids were at my MILs though, so I headed over there to hang out. Stephen was still over there too, so we hung out for a couple of hours and even stayed for dinner. Gerald and Michelle ended up over there too, so it was a full house, but I always love that. I got to play with Katie, and James and I goofed around a lot as well.. and I really do love spending time with all the kids. It was really nice, and I am glad that I went over. After dinner, Stephen and I headed home, and I worked on the second half of the scrapbook page I had going, and then sat down to watch the tape I had of SATC, Season 3, until the new episode came on. I love that show, and tonights new one was great. I then finished the tape from Season 3 since it has to be back tomorrow, and now of course, it is late, and I am writing this. I thought I would write it earlier tonight, but it never seems to happen that way, hehe. Now Stephen is waiting for me to come to bed to pay up on a bet.. damn Seahwawks lost to the Raiders today #(&$#()$*@@#*#)@*!

Daily Tidbits

  1. My MIL said today that she talked to her sis and niece about the airfare stuff for Vegas, and they think we should definitely complain to the company, which I am going to do tomorrow, but we are going to just keep the tickets. She also said that they want to rent a car for while we are down there, and all go to the Dam and Lake Meade together. That will be a lot of fun, and I am glad I didn't book that other tour yet, lol. They want to go do some other stuff as well, and my MIL was really excited about that. Stephen seemed happy about it as well, and I like the idea too. I think that it will be a lot more fun for Stephen, and either way, I get to sight see, so I am happy. Plus, I like knowing that if we are not having fun, we can leave whenever, or if we are, stay longer.. and not have to worry about someone else's schedule. Plus it will be nice to have the car to do other stuff too.
  2. Man this was a weekend on the go. I am tired, but happy too, I really had fun all weekend. Next weekend is going to be busy again, but I am so looking forward to Dinner and the Sopranos at Cory's. The next few weekends prove to be rather booked.. in fact, we have something to do every single weekend until the end of October, eek. I won't remember what it is like to have a free weekend. I am not really complaining though.. better to have too much stuff to do than never have anything to do, lol.
  3. Stephen says I am stalling, lol.. damn bet.. my team SHOULD have won.. then he would be the one stalling, giggle. Not that I mind what I have to do to pay up, it's just that I have to do it to pay up, which takes away from the whole thing.. for me at least... snicker. G'night.

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