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09-07-2002, 10:46 p.m.


September 07, 2002

I got up this morning, and got ready to go to the gym. I wanted to be there when it opened at 8, so that I could get home and get ready to get to Jen's. I got to the gym 15 minutes early, so I decided to drive over to Walgreens and pick up some vitamins. I have so been wanting to take vitamins, and so I went to get them. The Pharmacist helped me pick out what I was looking for, but I spent a little time looking, so I was about 10 minutes later to start at the gym than I planned. That threw me off a little bit.. and then when I got home, I still had to get the boys gifts wrapped (no I never did it last night, lol), and I had to shave my legs, and then do a few little things for Stephen and so on and so on, and I ended up leaving more than an hour later than I had orignally planned, oops. I felt bad, but we didn't have any plans that counted on times, so it wasn't too bad. We still had lots of time to play, hehe.

As soon as I got there, we got ready to leave. I gave Kris his gift which I think he loved.. Lain opened his later since he wasn't there when I first got there. Nicole also loved the little gift I got for her.. I wanted to get her a little something just because, hehe. I got her some body art crayons which we had fun playing with later.. but it was time to go shopping downtown Morris. I just love all the little shops there, and I could spend the whole day browsing them. I had the best time, going from store to store, and even though Jen's foot was killing her and she hates shopping, she let me shop until my hearts content. I got so many new good smelly candles, hehe. I have been addicted to candles lately, much to Stephen's dismay.. he said I am giving him a headache burning them every night.. I can't help it.. I love them, lol. I also got a few cute sheets of paper at the scrapbook store, but I didn't want to get too much there since I want to be able to buy some stuff when I go to that crop with Cory, Tricia and Jess in 2 weeks.

We went to Culvers for a yummy lunch. I had a cashew and chicken salad.. it was sooo yummy and so huge.. there was no way I could finish it.. and I did so good, I barely used any dressing at all, giggle. And it wasn't like it was hard, the salad was just so good it didn't need a lot. Jen had a salad too, and hers looked yummy as well. It was a nice lunch.. and I was glad that we had Nicole with us too, we had fun with her. After lunch, we went back to shop some more, hehe, and I got some more candles.. oh and I got the cutest ornament for Stephen for Christmas. It was a beattles yellow submarine lunch box and thermos.. it is so cute.. it was a halmark keepsake ornament. He loved it.. yes Jen, I gave it to him, lol. I wanted to so he could put it with his other beatles stuff. He really did love it.

I could have shopped all day, but I knew that Jen was hurting on her foot, and although she never complained, I didn't want to push it.. so we went grocery shopping to get stuff for dinner and then back to her house. She has been wanting to hang up her pictures around the house for sometime and so when she asked me to help her, I was more than happy to. It ended up looking wonderful and I was so glad that we did it. I just love pictures all over my house, it makes it so much more a home, and I know she felt the same way. I am glad she asked, and glad that I helped.

She made us a wonderful dinner of steak sandwhiches. She makes wonderful ribeye steak sandwhiches, and we had baked chips with it. It was great. Thanks again Jen!! As we were waiting for Don to get home to eat with us, Nicole and Jen and I played with the body art crayons I had brought for Nicole. We were giving each other tatoos of sorts, and then I started coloring Nicole's face all goofy.. and then she asked if she could do mine. We were laughing.. and I enjoyed that a lot. Jen even let us draw on her, although not on her face (chicken, giggle). I know I keep saying that I enjoyed it all, but I did. When Don got home, he looked so exhausted (he worked all day), and as we sat down and ate dinner, I was surprised he didn't fall asleep on us, hehe. After dinner I decided to head home.. it was getting late, and Stephen and I were going to watch the new episodes of Trading Spaces together. He taped them for us, so we are going to watch them in a little bit. First I wanted to come write this, and I am yakking with Tricia and Tonya.. It's getting late, but I am enjoying my night.. that is the word of the day.. enjoyment.. it just fits it, lol.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tomorrow, I am meeting Tricia at her apartment, and then we are going to go workout together and then go to lunch. I have been looking forward to that all week too. I enjoy spending time with her, she is becoming a great friend. We have a lot in common, and as we get to know each other more, she even talks more, lol.
  2. Don made me feel really good today.. he said.. where is Vicki.. ha ha, I said, he said oh there she is.. didn't recognize you, getting skinny and all.. awww... liar, lol.. but it was nice. It made me giggle and feel nice.
  3. Jen said something nice today too that really made me feel good.. she said that when I decide to do something, that I stick with it.. awww.. I know that sounds silly but it really made me feel good.
  4. As usual, I am falling asleep at the computer... I am so sleepy, yawn. Goodnight!

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