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Long Ride
09-06-2002, 10:52 p.m.

Long Ride...

September 06, 2002

Today I had to pick up the in laws half way to Delores and John's in Wisconsin. It was a long long drive, and at first I wasn't so thrilled. Driving there by myself.. I saw the huge lines of traffic going in the opposite direction and I knew that I was in for a long ride. When I got there, I was about 5 minutes late, but they were not there yet. For the life of me, I couldn't remember if I was supposed to turn around or them.. see we meet at this oasis, and one of us has to turn around to be on the same side of it. I really thought that I said I was going to turn around, but I couldn't be sure.. so I walked over to the other side.. they were not there either though, so I went back to the car and waited. They were about 20 minutes late, and I was glad to see them get there, I was starting to get worried.

As I saw coming there, traffic was horrible, at a stand still in most places.. but all of a sudden it didn't really matter. I was happy to be doing something for them, and I didn't care about the traffic. They were so excited about getting home after a week at Delores and John's, and you could tell that they were so appreciative of me picking them up. That was all that mattered to me, that I got to be there for them, they are always there for us. The ride home took over 2 hours, but I enjoyed it, and had a nice conversation with my MIL the whole way. I had to tell her about some things that have come up with the Vegas trip anyway, and I wasn't looking forward to that.

I got an email today from the airlines telling me that they needed me to contact them immediately, that it was urgent. My heart was pounding as I called, I so didn't want to hear that they cancelled our flights.. and they didn't.. what they did do is move us from Midway to O'hare.. now, if it were just Stephen and I, I so wouldn't care.. but they all hate O'hare and it's so hard to get his Dad to the terminals there, the walk is so much longer and harder. I felt so bad, and I knew that they would be upset. They were.. she really was very upset. Midway is so convenient, only 5 minutes away, and O'hare is 45 mins.. and it's just so much harder. We talked about cancelling the flights and booking with someone else out of midway, but in the end it would have been much more expensive since we had gotten such great deals on the tickets. Stephen and I said that we wanted to get a limo to take the 6 of us to O'hare, so that we didn't have to ask anyone for a ride, and she didn't like that idea very much either... they really are not impressed by things like that, and she didn't think we should spend the money on it. She said that she wanted to ask Kevin if he would drive us to the airport, and that it would be a good idea to just get the limo for the ride home. They have done so much for us for this trip, I just wanted to do something nice for them as well. I am glad she is going to let us get the limo for everyone at least coming home, and if Kevin or Michelle can't take us, then we will get a limo for the ride there too. I actually like the limo idea, even though it is more money.. but it just seems like it would be fun, lol.

The whole point though is that this whole thing is very inconvenient, and while we have decided to keep our reservations, I have decided to write a letter to the airlines, as well as call them. Maybe they won't do anything, but I have a right to voice my complaints, and I am going to do so. I have never been one to complain.. I really just accept everything as it comes and go on with it.. but we are traveling with 3 seniors, one who has a hard time getting around, and I just feel it's wrong to just inform us that they moved us out of a much larger, much busier airport.. hehe.. listen to me, lol. Seriously though, with all the trouble these airlines are having, do they really want to lose loyal customers because of their service?

Since it took so long to get them home, and then get home myself, it was too late to go workout at the gym. I was disappointed for about a minute, lol.. but then I decided to just go for a walk outside. I really have been enjoying them the past few nights, and forgot how much I really love walking outside. Working out at night doesn't give me as much time for walks.. I should maybe try taking walks at work during lunch.. I used to love walking thru the woods behind our campus.. then again, we got a warning about a flasher back there last week.. one of thte female students got flashed... and Stephen said no more woods for you, lol.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I have to wrap the boys birthday presents to give them tomorrow. I can't wait to see Jen. I haven't seen her much this summer, and I think that we need to spend some time together. I am going to get up in the morning and workout first, and then head over to Jen's to spend the whole day. We are going to walk around downtown Morris and look at all the shops, and then go out for lunch. It will be fun.
  2. I had a good walk tonight.. as I was walking though, I saw this old lady walking carrying a lot of groceries.. as I walked past her I felt guilty.. what happened to the time when you could offer to help older people? I walked for another block thinking about it and feeling guilty.. so I turned around and walked back.. when I got to her, I asked her if she wanted some help.. and she said no... I walked slowly next to her for a minute and she started talking to me.. I walked and talked to her for a bit.. and she never let me help her with her groceries, but when we got to where she lived, she thanked me for keeping her company and said that she felt safer walking with someone.. and I felt good that I went back.. I just wish she would have let me help her.

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