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Go Big Orange

Go Big Orange...

September 09, 2001

Last night my new favorite football team won!! They pulled it out in the 4th quarter. It's funny because I honestly started liking the Tennessee Vols because of Tonya... I loved how she totally made the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Wolves her team because of me... and I wanted to do something in return because, well because I wanted to. I didn't have a favorite college football team, I usually cheered on Penn State, which is Stephen's favorite team... so I was happy to get my own favorite team. Now, I really do like them, and really enjoy watching them, and it's more than just for Tonya... it's a good thing, and something more we share, but it's also something I really enjoy too... So all I can say this morning is... Go Big Orange!!!!

I didn't get to type an entry last night like I wanted to because Jen's computer wasn't working right.... So I am typing this this morning now. Yup I ended up at Jen's again last night... hehe. I did go home and even went out with Stephen for a few hours yesterday (and though I hadn't wanted to go to his cousin's house to visit at first, I really had a great time, and would really like it if we did that more often. I forgot how much I like his cousins... they only thing I hate is that they are drinkers, the whole lot of them, and so Stephen tends to drink when he is with them, since they are often pushing beers in his face... and offering me drinks too... but he was pretty good last night and showed me that it didn't have to be all about drinking). When we got home, I got to watch some of the TN game and talk to Tonya online. Then Jen got there to pick me up and take me back to her house. I wanted to leave the car for Stephen for his basketball game this morning, so she is going to take me home later. The only sad part is that I chose to miss the kid's football game today, but promised to go to the next... so the other thing I have to say is... GO ST. SYMS!!! Giggle! I hope they win today too! I really have been loving sports over the past few years... I even listened to the Sox game on the radio on my way over here Friday night. Boy, I surely am changing a lot as I get older. Sports were never my thing before... Now I truly enjoy them. Go figure!

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