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Little Black Dress
09-09-2002, 10:28 p.m.

Little Black Dress...

September 09, 2002

You can hardly tell what this dress looks like in this picture, but it's so cute. It's my new little black dress. I have been wanting one for a while now.. I don't know, but I wanted something that I could wear out that was not so fancy when you don't need it to be, but yet can be more so when you want it to be... know what I mean? Anyway, I had to take Stephen to his parents house after work to pick up his car (we left it there yesterday) and then on the way home, I stopped by Carson's just to look and see what they had, because I am looking for a dress for my niece Kathleen's Christening next month, and I came across this dress on the clearance rack. What you can't tell is the layer of chiffony material over the whole dress, and it's totally that material on the top, from above the boobs up, and again in the back.. it's just really pretty and it looks pretty on too. The best part? Well besides the fact it was on clearance of course.. it is only a size 14!!! I picked it up and thought, well for that price I can grow (read shrink) into it.. and boy was I surprised when I tried it on and it fit. Surprised and excited. I came home saying to Stephen.. I have a little black dresss, I have a little black dresss.. lol. I guess you would have to understand, that I have avoided dresses like this for a lot of years now, and to be able to wear it is just so amazing and wonderful.

I got some really nice compliments at work today, and that is part of what gave me the courage to go looking at dresses tonight. According to a co-worker of mine, I have been the talk lately. She said that everyone she talks to eventually says "Have you seen Vicki lately"? Stephen said that people have really been saying a lot to him lately as well. I am proud of that.. I like to see how proud he is of me too. Yesterday, my nephew Kevin said to me.. "You are looking so good Aunt Vicki, you should keep exercising" and then he pauses and says real quick "not that you need to exercise".. you could tell he didn't want to hurt my feelings.. he is such a cutie.. I told him, you are right buddy, I do need to keep exercising.. he just gave me a hug and said, well you look really pretty. It was special coming from him somehow.. 12 year old boys usually don't notice that kind of stuff, except maybe in 12 year old girls, lol.

One reason that I am liking looking better too? Now that classes have begun, the 3 girls that continuously flirt with Stephen have been around. Today, Stephen and I went to lunch, and as we were walking out of the cafeteria, we saw them.. and they are like... "Look, it's Mr. and Mrs. Sears" in a real catty voice... Grrrr, I wanted to scratch their eyes out. Even Stephen is starting to get a little fed up with it.. because when they see him alone, they ask "how's the wifey" or something of the such in the same catty voice. He used to laugh at me and tell me that I was nuts that they were just being friendly, but he even sees it now. I am glad that they are not in his classes anymore.. now they are in mine! Hmmm, and I control the grades.. imagine that, lol. Still, it's nice to be able to hold my head up and not feel self consious and ashamed when they are around. They, of course, are all very cute... grumble grumble. It's like some game to them, I don't know why I let it affect me though. Good thing I totally trust Stephen, or I would be freaking out.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tomorrow is my appointment with the Nutitionist. I have been looking forward to this for a few months, so I can't wait to go and see what they have to say. The best part? My appoitment is not until 10:45 so I took the morning off, and that means I get to sleep in, woo hoo.. yah right, like I really will.. I will still get up around the normal time, but still, I don't have to hop out of bed and right into the shower.. so that is really nice.
  2. I had a long conversation with Delores tonight. I don't get the chance to really sit and talk to her all that often, so that was nice. Got a chance to catch up on family gossip, lol.
  3. I met Dee at the gym tonight.. Nicole was supposed to come too, but she never showed up. I don't think she has gone once since she joined..kinda silly but who am I to say anything. Look how long it took me to get there.. but still, why join then. I had a good workout and did some elliptical and treadmill, and then a bunch of sit ups.. and even some on the bench that Tricia and I tried out the other day. OMG, they are sooo hard, but I did 35 and was pretty impressed. I totally feel it now, but that is so a good thing.
  4. I just spilled candle wax all over my computer desk and keyboard... ooops.. why did I do what I did? Do you ever do something really stupid and then wonder why the heck you did that? That is how I feel right now as I am cleaning up wax.. duh!
  5. We are starting to plan a weekend for Tonya and her girls to come up and visit. It's such a bittersweet thing, on one hand it is so exciting, knowing they are coming, and then on the other, the knowledge that it's our last visit before she moves to hawaii is so hard. I know that we are going to be bawling when she leaves this time. I am so glad that we are getting this opportunity though, so very glad.

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