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A Horrific Day in History

A Horrific Day in History...

September 11, 2001

I cannot believe the things that we, as Americans, have seen today. The horrible acts that were commited against our nation today, the innocent lives that were lost. I was at work, and heard when the first plane hit. I watched on the internet for hours at work, the horrible things that were happening. They closed our campus and sent us home about 11, and I came home to watch it on the news. I have been in shock. How could this happen? We watch these sort of things on TV, happening over-seas, but we never imagine that they could happen here.

I can't get over this feeling of deep sadness. I can't make myself stop watching the news, and I can't stop crying for all the people that this has touched. I imagine that so many of us have stories, of people we knew, or people who we knew who knew someone who was affected by this horrible tragedy.

One of the professors in my department was beside himself. When the news came that the flights originated in Boston, he was so horrified. He talked to his brother just last night, who was stuck in Boston coming home (to New York) from a business trip. He was so paralized with fright that his brother might be on the plane that crashed into the New York Trade Center... and of course we couldn't get thru to anyone to get any information. It was hours before we finally heard from his brother, and thank God, he was not one of the many victims in this. But then the relief doesn't really come... you are relieved yah, and you say Thank God.. but then you realize that there are so many out there that can't say Thank God, and it hurts... it hits you like a brick.

I don't know the answers to Why, and even if they find out who/why, I still won't know the answers. There is no Why.. there is no reason why this should happen to all of these innocent people, to their families, to our nation.

I am going to go give blood tomorrow... they are asking that people do so, and while it seems like so little a thing to do, maybe it will help. I wish there were more I could do.. I wish that I could erase this, but it's never going to go away.. it will always be a Horrific Day in History.

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