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Life as We Know It

Life as We Know It...

September 12, 2001

is certainly not the same right now. Not for so many people, probably not to many at all. I am still in shock. I sit here with the news on all day long, and I watch it as it all unfolds, and it still doesn't make sense. I don't understand it.. what happened, why it happened.. what monsters could do something such as this.

I worked today, but I kept the news on in the background and listened pretty much the whole day. I think that so many of us are just glued to our TVs, our radios, our computers, trying to get information, and answers that may never come. They are now talking about the survivors, and about the victims, and it's all so horribly sad. I can't even count the number of times that I have broken out into tears today. We had a prayer service at work, outside in our quad, right in front of the flag pole. Just seeing the flag at half mast, was the first tear-jerker. Then listening to people talk... professors, students, secretaries, all different types of people, all feeling the same thing... deep sadness and helplessness. The tears were flowing, and people were holding hands. They passed out candles for us, and everyone stood there and sang together...and prayed together..and cried together. I am glad that they had this, and that a lot of people are doing similar things across the country. It's good to see people come together.. to see how much we all care about each other, and our country.

I don't know what happens from here. I know that Life is different somehow. Maybe I don't feel as safe.. maybe I don't think, oh that happens over there anymore. Now I know, it can happen all around us. To the people we love.. to the country we love.

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