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The Sound Up Above

The Sound Up Above...

September 16, 2001

It's funny how we take things for granted in life. It's also funny how something that annoy us, and then something will happen to change it all, and we all of a sudden appreciate the thing that formerly annoyed us. Let me explain.

We don't live far at all from Midway Airport.. probably about 2 miles give or take a few blocks. Pretty much less than 2 miles. Anyway... normally the sound of the aiplanes over head is pretty bad. You get the sounds of the planes taking off and landing, and that can be pretty loud. But you get used to it, and most of the time you can tune it out. But then, get a few days of silence and everything is different. It was so eerie without the sounds from the airport, it really was. Maybe it was the whole situation, but it was eerie. So Friday, when we saw the first plane in a few days, it was almost exciting. It was a sign that things were starting to get back to normal. It was a good thing. Today, I am noticing a whole lot more planes coming and going, and I love it. I love the noise of them, and the comfort that it brings. I have found myself looking up a lot today as the sound above went past. I wonder how long it will take me to tune it all out again... a long time I hope!

We slept in a little this morning, and then Stephen and I just laid in bed and cuddled for a bit when we got up. The plan today was that I was going to drop Stephen off at his mom's for his basketball game (he plays a block from her house), and then I was going to take his parents to the football game today. So when we got there and found out that the plans had changed, I was a bit disappointed. I really was looking forward to going to this game, but Michelle had dropped James off for Liz to watch while they were at the game. Well, they decided to go the Church and asked me to watch him while they went. So James and I walked to the park, while Stephen drove them to church. Like I said, I was a bit disappointed, but then I started having fun with James, and it wasn't so bad. Stephen came up to the park and played with us for a bit, and then we walked to get ice cream cones, and back to Stephen's moms. James and I hung out there and played with his action figures while Stephen went to his game. The folks got home a few minutes before Stephen did. It was a nice day and I enjoyed it a lot. I still wish I had gotten to go to the game, but some things just don't work out the way we plan them to. At least we can make the best of them.

Ohhhh, there is another plane going above our house... I really appreciate this one, since it is drowning out the barking of the dog across the alley. Now there is one sound I don't appreciate.. He is barking and whining and driving me nuts!! I love having my windows open this time of year, but I so wish they would shut that dog up... I am getting so annoyed, LOL.

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