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Happy Birthday Brian

Happy Birthday Brian...

September 18, 2001

Today is my nephew Brian's 4th Birthday. He is my brother's little boy, the only child on my side of the family, and so he is special to me, even if I don't get to see him very often. My brother is not with his mother anymore, so he only gets to have him occasionally, although he does go to visit him a few times a week. He is such a cutie, and when I look at him, I can picture what my children might look like, because he looks very much like my brother and me, when we were little.

He is here tonight, spending the night, and I got to spend a little time with him after we got home from the Sox game. I have fun just tickling him and telling him how much I love him. I love to spend time with him when I can, because I want him to remember Aunt Vicki being there when he was little. It's so different with him than with our other nephews and nieces.

I told him that I was going to go buy him a birthday present tomorrow, but all he kept saying was... but I already got one. LOL... I've never have seen a kid say no to getting a new toy. Okay, so he was a little crabby and it was hours after his normal bedtime... tomorrow he will think much differently, I am sure.

The Sox game tonight was awesome... the whole thing was just so great, and I am soooooo glad that we got to go. I want to write all about it, but I am going to wait and do so in the morning, since it is late and I am exhausted. My brother is getting Brian to sleep and then he is going to go out for a few hours, so I get to babysit... hehe, I get to babysit while I am sleeping...some babysitting job, huh?

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