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God Bless America

God Bless America...

September 19, 2001

(singing) Land that I love... giggle. I feel like I've sung that song so many times in the past week, and I can't get the words out of my head. My brother just asked me if I was going to keep singing that song every night. LOL... Perhaps!

Last night we sang it at the baseball game...and I don't think there was many who didn't get choked up during it, and the National Anthem. It was the whole reason that I really wanted to go to the game...they were giving out little flags to everyone... and having a pre-game ceremony, and that really appealed to me.

Before the game, firefighters and policemen lined up around the infield and applauded as the team managers were presented candles by officers. And then, in the most moving moment of the night, the players lined up around the field, the color guards brought out the flag and we sang the national anthem, honored a moment of silence and sang God Bless America. I was so chocked up, and even Stephen admitted to being (something which is rare). I was so glad we were there.

Cory and her friend Kelli were there, and while we didn't sit together, we did spend some time together. I was so happy that she was able to make it, since she really wanted to be there. It was a nice evening, and I had a great time. It really was a nice diversion, and seeing everyone with their flags and wonderful signs and hearing the chants of USA! USA! was just something that eased my soul a lot. We may be down, but we are not out. It didn't even matter that the Sox lost, or that we sat in the rain, it was just a great evening.

The only thing was that I was exhausted today, hehe...but I fixed that. I came home from work and took a nap, giggle. Now I am all rested, and probably not going to be able to go to sleep.. oops. Stephen had dinner ready for me when I woke up, and the whole house smelled wonderful. Awww, he has been being so sweet lately. Remind me of that the next time we are fighting, alright...giggle.

Oh, almost 7th inning stretch (we are watching the Sox on TV)... time to go sing God Bless America again....Really loud, in my brother's ear works for me. It takes me back to when we were little, and I would sing, always making him scream "MOM... MAKE HER STOPPPPPP"... Mommy's not here tonight little brother, hehe!

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