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Catching Up
09-16-2002, 2:16 p.m.

Catching Up...

September 16, 2002

I feel like I have been spending so much time lately catching up.. catching up with work, catching up with emails, catching up with journal entries... When did I get so dang behind in my life? I tell you, working out at night has really made so many other things so much harder to keep up with. I don't know how I am going to get all this stuff done. The hard part is that things have been so busy at work, that I can barely keep up with everything there, and so things like reading email and stuff like that, are pushed back to the night, but then, by the time I get home, make dinner, eat, go workout and come home, it's bedtime and I don't feel like doing anything else. Add to that crazy, insane weekends, and you have a lot of catching up to do... lol. Welcome to my life.

Let's see.. this weekend was so busy, and we went from place to place like nomads, but all in all it was pretty nice and I enjoyed it very much. Saturday morning, I got up and went to workout. I almost didn't go, but I knew I would be eating a lot over the weekend, so I knew I better at least workout. I am glad I did. Afterwards, I ran to Kohl's because their clearance stuff is just so cheap right now. I got a new pair of capris and a cute top for work, and then headed home. I was a little behind since I stopped to shop (that wasn't on my list of things to do, oops) so I had to hurry and get ready and then we headed to my mom's. I was late picking up my sister's friend (they asked us to drive her out), and she was worried that we forgot about her, hehe. But it was all good, and we made it to my mom's in pretty good time.

I had a great time at my mom and dad's on Saturday. Stephen and my dad sat around watching football most of the day, but my mom, Krystal, Michelle and I just had a blast. We cooked out, and had a yummy dinner, and then we went for a walk, and then to get chick flicks. We got four of them, lol.. so we were up pretty late watching movies. But we had a good time laughing and joking. Oh, we did make it out to her block party, but really not all that much, we were too busy being silly on our own. We were taking goofy pictures, and just teasing each other, mostly teasing Michelle... it was a blast.

Sunday morning my mom got up and made us a yummy breakfast, and then Stephen and I got ready to leave to go to Sarah's birthday party in Wisconsin. It was really sorta nice going from my mom's house, since it only took us 45 minutes to get there, rather than the almost 2 hours it takes from home. We kept saying how if we had to have a really busy weekend, at least it was good that it turned out that everything was in the right directions, lol.

We had a great time in Wisconsin. I sat around talking with my SILs and MIL and really enjoyed it. Stephen had to keep coming to tell me, we should go.. honey it's getting late.. Vic, your friends are waiting, lol. Hey, I didn't want to miss any of the gossip. Seriously, we had a good time. Sarah was cute .. I had gotten her the barbie that she asked for, and she kept saying how it was the best.. she wanted the one that comes with a stove and a little girl and stuff, and you bake with her and the little barbie, lol, and then you get to eat what you make. She made a mess playing with it with a friend of hers, but we were cracking up watching them make their cakes. It was cute, and I am glad I remembered that she wanted that one when I was shopping.

After the party, it was time to head to Cory and Jim's for dinner and the Soprano's. Stephen was so excited, lol.. he has been waiting a long time for a new episode. He really was rushing me along to leave to get there, and it's so unlike him, so I really thought it was cute. We stopped on the way to pick up dessert. We got tiramisu to go with Cory's italian dinner, which was oh so yummy. She made dinner from this recipe she found in a magazine that was a Soprano's recipe. Stephen got a total kick out of that, and it really was oh so good. I enjoyed it very much. Then we sat down and watched the sopranos which was also very good. It was a great evening and I was sorry to see it come to an end. I like doing stuff like that, and Stephen and I both enjoyed it alot. I am really looking forward to couples night next Saturday.

Daily Tidbits

  1. On Saturday when I got to my parents house and saw my sister, her mouth about hung open.. and she kept saying things about how I looked. That felt really good. She really did make me feel good, and I love her for it, lol.
  2. At the party Sunday, my BILs family kept saying wow when they saw me too.. especially his mom who wanted to know everything I've been doing to lose weight.. it was cute. She told Stephen, man your wife looks awesome, and then laughed because he said "Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it".. how cute.
  3. I have been so busy at work today, but I wanted to get caught up on this entry, so I could get it in. We might be going to Lil Kev's football game tonight, and I want to workout, so who knows if I will have time to do it later. I need to try to get things done earlier now, so I am not scrambling late at night...especially since I want to get up early tomorrow to workout in the morning. Maybe if I could get my workouts done in the morning, I would have more time later for other stuff.. who knows though.
  4. Tomorrow night we are going to a crop at Jess' house, and I am meeting Tricia for dinner first. That is going to be fun, so I really DO have to workout tomorrow morning if I am going to workout tomorrow at all.. and after all the food I had this past weekend, I need to workout, lol.

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