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Friday the 13th
09-13-2002, 11:19 p.m.

Friday the 13th...

September 13, 2002

Having been born on the 13th of the month, it has come to pass that I have had birthdays on Friday the 13th, so this has never been much of a superstitious day for me. In fact, 13 is actually my favorite number. Anyway, I crack up sometimes listening to people freak because it's Friday the 13th. Like, really, what is going to happen? LOL.

I think my most favorite Friday the 13th of all would be my 13th birthday. Yes, my 13th birthday fell on Friday the 13th. It was my golden birthday and my mom had a big party for me with all my friends, and it was my first real boy-girl party, and my first real game of spin the bottle, giggle. I got to kiss my crush too, what a wonderful birthday present that was. As all good things must come to an end, it was eventually time for all the boys to leave, but all the girls stayed for a sleep-over, and we spent the whole night driving my parents nuts... mostly sneaking said boys back into the house, lol. It was such a wonderful night, one that I still remember so clearly after all this time. My mom also rented us the Friday the 13th movies, and we stayed up all night screaming watching those... Funny how such a good memory for me is such a horrible one for my mom, lol. It all goes back to yesterdays entry on things being a matter of perception I suppose.

Back to today... hmmm, it started out as a pretty crummy day. I was in a bad mood over some stuff that happened yesterday, and then some more stuff happened this morning to make it even worse, but I think that some really good stuff came out of it, and the day really improved in the afternoon. I think that sometimes we really learn alot from the bad things that happen, but that doesn't mean we want them to happen too often, lol. I was pretty busy at work again most of the day too, and so I was a bit stressed, but things calmed down in the afternoon, and I really had a decent afternoon, hehe. Stephen had to work until 5, but I was able to go at 4, so I decided to go for a walk while I waited for him. I went back into the woods to walk, and it was nice because I haven't done that in a while. I didn't have my workout stuff with me though so I couldn't go to the gym, and honestly, I didn't take a day off at all this week, so I wasn't planning to do the gym anyway. I didn't go for a long walk, just enough to enjoy it, but not to really be exercise too much (not even counting it in my minutes, imagine that...). The only thing worth noting on my walk though was that everytime I saw a mosquito, I cringed, lol.. before they were just pesty, now they are down right scary. I am glad that we are not having too much of a problem with them by the house, but the city has been out to spray for them a few times in the past few weeks, so that helps.

Man, this entry is just all over the place tonight, lol.. It is late, and I can't really keep my mind on one topic, so bear with me. So traffic was horrible on the way home from work, and Stephen said, let's go to IHOP. I started laughing, because Jen and I had a conversation earlier today about how bad eating out is for you.. well at least when you do it all the time, and I really have been trying to do so less.. but that didn't stop me from saying, OK.. lol. I had a yummy dinner.. well it was breakfast, lol. I really wanted pancakes with strawberries and blueberries, so that's what I did, giggle. Plus I enjoyed the time with Stephen. When I got home, we did a few things around the house, and then I sat down to read my book, and after a bit I dozed off for about an hour, hehe.. that actually felt very good.

When I got up, I decided to run to Toys R Us to get a few gifts that I needed for the weekend. I am glad I did, cause now they are wrapped and ready to go, and I don't have to rush as much tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning... lol.. I want to go workout when I get up, since I am doing the circuit on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays... and then I have to come home and pack up to go to my mom and dad's. My sister's friend Michelle is going to come over so that she can go out there with us, so as soon as she gets here (she said about noon), we are going to head out for the day. I am looking forward to spending the day there, and the night too, since Stephen rarely agrees to spend the night anywhere, lol.. he just likes being at home so much. It will be fun. It's going to be a busy, crazy weekend, but I have decided to stop stressing about it all and just enjoy each of the things that we are doing.. I am glad that people want us to come to these things, and seperately each one is going to be great.. and it won't be all that bad time wise, at least it all works out travel wise this time, and we are not going back and forth in a million different directions.. my mom and dads house is actually half way to Delores and Johns, so it will only take us an hour to get to the party Sunday instead of 2 hours.. and then Cory and Jim's is on the way home. See, looking at the positives here, giggle. Here's to a fun weekend, hope that everyone else has a great one as well.

Oh and Stephen always says.. Saturday the 14th is worse than Friday the 13th, but I am not sure I understand why... whatever, lol.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow... since I lost a few pounds this week, and have finally broken the 185 mark.. that feels good, even though I know I will just be stuck at another weight for a while.. but that is how my body does it. The nutritionist said that it is because your body has to take the time to shift everything around everytime you lose a few pounds, and that it's really better to lose weight that way than steadily... easy for her to say, she was thin, giggle.
  2. Tomorrow will be the first time I will see my sister since I lost the weight. I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen her, but she was away for 5 months, and I just haven't been out there since she got back. Even though she drives me insane most of the time, I miss her, and I am glad that I will see her tomorrow. I hope the block party is fun, hehe.

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