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Getting it Back Together
09-16-2003, 10:24 p.m.

This getting back into the swing of things has really been a slow process this time. There is so much stuff that I should be getting done this week, and thus far, all I�ve been able to do is lay around. I�ve not even gone to the gym since I got home, and while I know I should feel guilty about that, I really don�t. I am planning on going tomorrow morning though, so that is a good thing. I promised Jen that I would do it too, so I really don�t have a choice now, hehe. I don�t know why, but I�ve just not felt like doing anything at all, aside from laying around with Stephen and the kitties. Work has been really hard, and very busy, and it has just been taking so much out of me, by the time I get home, I just am exhausted. I know that sometimes it is hard to get it back together after vacation, but sheesh, this has been rough. The ground is still rocking for me, and I am so tired all the time. To top it off, I am getting my period too, which probably really adds to it a lot. Makes me very moody and emotional on top of it all. It's no wonder all I want to do is stay in bed.

Tomorrow, I really need to start getting back on track though, and that is the plan. Stephen and I are going to stop by my brother�s house after work for a little while. Thursday is Brian�s birthday and Sara�s birthday passed not so long ago, so we are going to take them some presents. They had a party for them last weekend, but since I was still on vacation, we couldn�t go. Stephen would have gone, but he went to our other niece Sarah�s birthday party in Wisconsin the same day, so we are going to see them tomorrow. I was supposed to run out and get their gifts tonight, as well as Cory�s shower gift, and a gift for my friend Randi�s baby shower which is on Sunday, and did I do any of it? Nope, guess I know what I am doing tomorrow at lunch, lol.

I also want to get a card for my brother and Sharon to give them tomorrow night. For what, you might ask� well I found out last night that they are expecting again, due in April� another little niece or nephew for us to love, I am so excited and happy for them. Yay! A very good reason to celebrate, for certain. I had a feeling too�.. at my cousin�s wedding a couple weekends ago, Sharon was just glowing, and well, I suspected� they are so happy, and I am happy for them.

Cory�s baby shower is on Saturday, and I am so very excited about it. I still have some stuff to finish up for it, but for the most part everything is planned and ready. It�s been hard not telling her all about it, but it�s going to be so wonderful, and I hope that it turns out to be a very special day for her indeed. This is such an exciting time for her, and I am just so very happy to be such a part of it all. Jen is going to come and spend the night Friday night, so that we can get stuff done for the shower, and that is going to be so much fun too. I am so excited to be seeing them both, I missed them while I was gone. Too bad we couldn�t get Tonny to visit for the weekend, that would have made it just like old times, lol. I can�t wait until she moves back from Hawaii.. it might be paradise for her, but it is just too far... and too expensive.

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