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Conversation with Brian
09-18-2002, 2:37 p.m.

Conversation with Brian...

September 18, 2002

My brother called me a few minutes ago. I had called and left a message for him that I wanted to come over to see Brian tonight to give him his birthday present and he called me back to tell me that they would be home, and then he said hold on, Brian wants to talk to you. I had the cutest conversation with him, and I am going to write it here, because it was just so dang adorable and I want to be able to remember exactly what he said.. so here it goes.

Brian: Hi Aunt My Vicki, Guess what?

Me: Happy Birthday Sweetie, what?

Brian: I am five now!

Me: I know, you are such a big boy now, I am going to sing Happy Birthday to you.

Brian: No Aunt Vicki, come to my house and see me, and sing it to me here.

Me: I am going to come over after work to see you.

Brian: Can't you tell your teacher that you have to leave work to come to my house?

Me: No honey, but I will be there in a couple of hours, and guess what, I have a present for you.

Brian: What is it Aunt Vicki?

Me: I can't tell you it's a surprise.

Brian: You can tell me, I want to know.

Me: Nope, you gotta wait and see it tonight.

Brian: (Whispers), Okay Aunt Vicki you can tell me quietly, I promise I won't tell my daddy what it is

Me: (Laughing) Sorry kiddo, you are going to have to wait and open it to see, it's a good present, and you will love it.

Brian: Okay, can I tell you how to get to my house?

Me: (chuckling because of course I know how to get to his house), sure.. tell me.

Brian: Okay, first you go around the block with your car. Then you make the car go quicker and you find my school, and you look at it, cause that's where I go to school you know. Then you start looking for my house. It's in Mt. Greenwood, that's where my school is too. Then you got to find me and come into my bedroom, because it is cool Aunt Vicki. The numbers on the door say (insert house number). That's in Mt. Greenwood too Aunt Vicki.

Me: (trying not to bust out laughing) Those were good directions Brian, you sure are a big boy to know all that.

Brian: It's easy Aunt Vicki. I can't wait to see you. Please hurry.

Me: Okay sweetie, I will be there soon. Let me talk to your daddy.

Brian: I love you Aunt Vicki. You can bring your cats too, cause my dog will like them. Tell my gramma to come too. Bye!

I was dying when he was telling me how to get to his house. He sounded so serious and so grown up. It was even cuter in his little voice. He is such a cutie to begin with, and I could just picture how he takes his little hands and puts them on your face when he is talking to you. I can't believe that my sometimes boy is already five years old. I can't wait to give him his presents tonight. I got him the cutest things, and I know he is going to love them.

Happy Birthday Brian. I love you!!

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